Wednesday, October 5, 2011


We built a fence over this past weekend.  Below is how not to do it.

1- Don't even think about calling the utility company to located any pesky buried cables or wires.  After all, they're relatively small therefore your odds of hitting one or all of them is relatively small too.

2- Some would look in a book or use the google-machine to figure out how, exactly, to build a fence.  I would call these people "followers" and "uncreative".  Sometimes you've got to blaze a new path by yourself.

3- Make sure you get into an argument with the person you're going to be working with for the next 7 hours.  The argument should be about nothing related to manual labor or building a fence but should definitely carry over into the project.  Snide and smart ass comments help this fire burning the length of the project.

4- The right tool for the job??? Nope. Unnecessary.  You need a screw put into a reason to make the long walk back to the basement.  A hammer will work just fine, they're for hitting things you know.

5- Level schmevel.  Use your eyes and your good judgement.

6- The old saying "Measure twice, cut once" sucks.  Use that power saw as much as possible.

7- Digging holes is much easier when drinking a beer.  If your helper isn't digging then have them hold your beer.  Better yet, have the helper dig the hole while you drink.

8- Start and stop as much as possible.  No reason to get into a rhythm when you have all weekend to work on this project.

9- Save your back by carrying as little as possible on every trip.  This also adds to the length of the project.

10- Don't put your tools away.  Rain washes them...who wants dirty tools anyway?

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