Monday, October 31, 2011


Each year around this time I notice the same thing without fail.  Even though the morning temperatures are in the 40s and the afternoon temps are no where near "hot" there are always a handful of people wearing shorts, short sleeves, and flip-flops.  This year is no different.

Maybe it's because I've been spending a lot of time at the library lately and I welcome a quick break to think about life's finer things but I've spent a great deal of time thinking about this.  Call it being "thesis minded" (or brain washed) but, all of a sudden, everything I say or think I feel needs to have some research behind it or have a clarifying statement attached to it.  I'm sure this is very annoying to all those who have had to interact with me lately (my poor wife must get the brunt of it since I talk to her the most <---more clarifying statements) and hopefully this new habit doesn't stick around when I'm done with said thesis.  OK, enough chit-chat. Here is the scientific way I've researched this "summer attire in different seasons".

I've always ran hot...if I had a gauge on my forehead like cars have on their dashboard, my needle would undoubtedly be dangerously close to the red.  People would constantly be asking me if I was about to overheat.  Now, taking this into consideration, I thought about all of the other people who have temperatures close to mine.  Of all the people I know, which is a lot, I could only think of 2 other people who are constantly warm.

Then, I asked myself, would Mr. X or Mr. Y (names changed to protect the subjects) be wearing shorts and flip-flops?  Then I would ask myself, "Would I be wearing shorts and flip-flops?"  I then would look down at my outfit and realize, "No.  I am not wearing shorts and flip-flops" therefore Mr. X and Mr. Y are most likely not wearing them either. 

Once the outfit was determined of the control subjects, I asked myself "what is the likelihood these strangers have a higher, or at the very least, the same internal thermostat setting as the subjects?"  The conclusion was it is highly unlikely for these strangers to run hotter than myself or Mr. X and Y based on the pure number of people I know and the number of people who have the same temperature as I.   Therefore, I have concluded these people wear shorts for a reason other than to attempt to regulate their body temperature...most likely because they want the opportunity to say, "It's not cold out here at all."  Really, then why are you shivering and hugging yourself?  Put some long pants on already, it's almost November.

Until next time...

Friday, October 28, 2011


I wish my dog knew how to open the back door...but I'm sure glad my cats don't have it figured out.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Well, this isn't as much fun as I was hoping.  Shocking? No.  True? Yes. 

So here is what has been happening at my second home.
·   It seems people like to talk in the library.
·   There are definitely computers which let me type faster than others.  Sounds weird, huh?  But I swear some keyboards have keys that are harder to push than others or my strength ebbs and flows at an odd rate.
·   I print a lot.  I mean a whole lot.

·   I read even more.

·   The time it takes me to get upset at other patrons is directly correlated with how my writing is going.  Good writing = lots of patience.  Bad writing = I'm going to say something to the offender

·   I've decided I would rather have a quiet environment than make new friends (see above item)
·  You can, infact, drink too much coffee.

Additional news you don't care about
I've quit keeping track of the money spent on treats.  The number was already staggering considering I've only been at this party for a little over a week.

Enjoy the outside for me.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I can honestly say that if I saw nolan Ryan at the store I would never recognize about aging terribly. But he has more money than I could ever dream there's that.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Climate study confirms what skeptics scoffed at: global warming is real


I started working on my thesis this week.  I'm sure you're all like, "Thesis-schemthis.  What does this have to do with me?"  Well dear reader this has a lot to do with you.  Remember when I used to help you put of doing actual constructive things for like 3 or 4 minutes by writing interesting (or not) stories?  Well guess what?  I'm spending almost all of my free time, a bare minimum of 35 hours a week at a library.  You know how many interesting things happen at libraries?  Not many.  You know what else?  Saturdays are going to be one of my biggest days of the week to work on this here project...meaning my weekends, where I get quite a bit of material for this blog, have been reduced by 50%.  This means the posts you read from now until this badboy is done are going to be...well, let's just say they might not be as interesting as they once were. 

Good news, I have decided that I'm going to keep a tally of all the money I spend on coffee, soda, snacks, and whatever other little pick-me ups I need to get through this.  You lucky devil you, at the end of it all you get to join me in gasping at the amount of money spent...all in the name of education.

Another positive note, assuming history is a guide, I seem to have some pretty random and crazy thoughts when my mind kicks into'll get to hear (or read as it may be) those too.

See...thesis writing is fun.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Yesterday was the first class of my last class of my Master’s program.  One thing struck me as odd, the class is held in a classroom—a Spanish classroom to be exact—in the local high school.  Talk about coming full circle.  I wish some of my high school teachers could see me now, sitting at a little desk getting ready to embark on a hellofa which will produce a new degree upon completion.   

The prof tried to reassure the class that the thesis was no different from any other paper we’ve written…it is just longer and single-handidly decides if I get this degree or not.  No pressure.  Almost like a coach icing his own player and telling him, “We’re down by 1, make both free throws and we win the championship.  Miss 'em both and we’re done. Now get out there and have fun.”  

If you need me I'll be holed up in the library for the next 9 weeks.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


You know that feeling you get when you discover something that's pretty awesome but others have already figured it out?  You're kinda in a state of surprised're really pumped that you found this new great thing, but you can't boast or brag too much because everyone else already knew about it.  It's almost like you're the last one picked to be on a kickball team.  Happy to be playing, bummed you were the last resort.

That is the same feeling I felt 3, yeah, you read correct, 3 times within the past week.  Yup.  Two bars and one restaurant in my neighborhood…all within five minutes.  I even walked home from one Friday night, just to see what it would be like.  I seriously feel like I've been living under a rock for more than the past year.  Regardless, I've got three new places to go an none of them is more than 5 minutes from my front door.  Who's late to the party? This guy.  But whatever, next time you stop by we'll hit one (or all three if you're lucky) of these hidden gems up.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Shop n save got new it bad I noticed?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The weather is changing...I'm sure you're well aware of how the season work and I'm somewhat sure you don't read this here electric idea catcher to read obvious statements.  Speaking of which, why are you here???  
What I’m not so sure you know is fall is the best time to hole up in a coffee shop.  I’m not talking about mega-huge national coffee houses; I’m talking the local variety.  (Don’t get me wrong, I’ve spent more hours than I could ever count at national coffee chains and I’ve loved almost every minute of it.)  
Sure, you may have to pay a little bit more per cup, you may not have the convenience of a parking lot, you may have to wait a little bit longer for the coffee to be made since you don’t have 14 high-school kids swarming behind the counter but does any of that matter?  Apparently not.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m as busy as the next guy or gal but if I’m going to take a walk on the wild side and be all crazy by paying for something I could easily make at home in the time it takes to drive to the coffee shop then I want to enjoy the experience.    
Don't get all excited and drink your local coffee too'll burn your tongue.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Maybe it's because I'm on this "diet" kick, maybe it's because I really liked the game Hungry Hippos as a kid, maybe it's because I'm weird and over think things.  Whatever the reason the other day while watching BluDog eat all I could think was how much he resembled a Hungry Hippo.  

When he eats he doesn't just keep his head in the food bowl  and he most definitely doesn't slowly lower his head to the bowl when he wants to take a bite.  He forcefully thrusts his head down into the bowl just as a child forcibly pushes the lever to make the hippo open his mouth and jerk to the center of the board. 

This made me start to wonder if most people move their mouth toward their food or let the hand do all the work and push the food entirely into the mouth.  Turns out, the majority of people, yours truly included, eat like hungry hippos.  I bet the next time you're at a restaurant you'll have, if only for a split second, the image of a bunch of brightly colored hippos sitting around tables.  Yup, betcha do.

Monday, October 10, 2011


This weekend I went to a graduation party.  Putting the finishing touches on my rockin' wardrobe, I pulled out a shirt out of the closet and tossed it on.  During the whole buttoning process I had a shocking discovery.  I had gotten fat.  At first I thought it was my imagination, but once I sat down and saw the buttons straining to hold the pieces of fabric together I knew it was for real.  What did I do?  The only thing I did, I ate more at that graduation party than I thought humanly possible.  If my buttons were going to be all jerk-like and mock me, well then I was going to put them through hell. 

I can't say I'm surprised my body has betrayed me...the past week has been nothing but over-indulging and unhealthy food.  But enough is enough.  I'm going on a diet.  I think I have caught it in time to stop this runaway train.  After all, who says a runaway train can't come back? 

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Hopefully you've done something fun with your Sunday.  Me, I went on a 20-mile charity bike ride to start the day on the right foot.  What is the only acceptable thing to do after burning a bunch of calories?  Replenish them of course.  So I had lunch with some old buddies at a local micro-brewery.  When I got home I thought to myself, "Self, you've worked pretty hard today, why don't you take a quick little nap in the hammock." and that is exactly what I did.  What is the best way to spend an afternoon after an awesome morning?  Well you silly reader, there is only one possible answer...watching the Cardinals play in the post-season of course.  What's next?  Out to dinner with our neighbors as a "thank you" for watching their dogs and finishing the night by watching the Pack on TV.  It is like today was a trifectia of awesomeness, only more awesome.

Friday, October 7, 2011


OK world wide web friends I must make a confession.

I have decided to not run in the upcoming marathon.  I'm sure you're like, "Whoa, what happened big guy?"  I'll tell you.  I have been really busy lately, so busy that my entire life has been in a constant state of "frantic".  Let me tell ya, this is no way to live.  So, I made the decision to start eliminating things which take up a lot of time so I can have more time to focus on the things that need to get done.

The job search takes a lot of time, and is about to get kicked up a notch with the impending December graduation.  I can't just magically get a job without putting in the time, so that can't get cut.  I can't quit school cause that would make the job search even more difficult.  So the marathon got cut.

Don't worry, there will be another race and my sanity is more important than the run.  Plus, since I've already run a full I don't need to prove to myself that I'm capable.

Happy running.


 When I look at the logo on the left I automatically think of the logo on the right. Good for Girl Scouts, bad for Pepsi.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Here is a list of things not to do when you're trying to finish a paper.

1- Spend countless hours on Facebook looking at stranger's profiles
2- Day dream of what you would do with all of your lotto winnings
3- Look at the winning lotto numbers for the past 15 Powerball drawings to try and determine a pattern so #2 can become a reality
4- Write a blog post
5- Use your mouse to draw boxes on your desktop
6- Search for an awesome picture to post as your desktop wall-paper
7- Spend even more time on Facebook
8- Open a new word document and type any and all words that happen to pop in your head
9- Check the weather on-line
10- Sit and stare aimlessly out the window


We built a fence over this past weekend.  Below is how not to do it.

1- Don't even think about calling the utility company to located any pesky buried cables or wires.  After all, they're relatively small therefore your odds of hitting one or all of them is relatively small too.

2- Some would look in a book or use the google-machine to figure out how, exactly, to build a fence.  I would call these people "followers" and "uncreative".  Sometimes you've got to blaze a new path by yourself.

3- Make sure you get into an argument with the person you're going to be working with for the next 7 hours.  The argument should be about nothing related to manual labor or building a fence but should definitely carry over into the project.  Snide and smart ass comments help this fire burning the length of the project.

4- The right tool for the job??? Nope. Unnecessary.  You need a screw put into a reason to make the long walk back to the basement.  A hammer will work just fine, they're for hitting things you know.

5- Level schmevel.  Use your eyes and your good judgement.

6- The old saying "Measure twice, cut once" sucks.  Use that power saw as much as possible.

7- Digging holes is much easier when drinking a beer.  If your helper isn't digging then have them hold your beer.  Better yet, have the helper dig the hole while you drink.

8- Start and stop as much as possible.  No reason to get into a rhythm when you have all weekend to work on this project.

9- Save your back by carrying as little as possible on every trip.  This also adds to the length of the project.

10- Don't put your tools away.  Rain washes them...who wants dirty tools anyway?


I just looked at the ol' internet diary and noticed that I hadn't written anything on here for quite a while.  Sorry google-machine pals, I'm sure you've all been devastated.  What can I say, I've been super-duper busy and the blog here has suffered.  So spend the next few minutes reading about my super-duper interesting life via the next post or two.