Friday, December 21, 2018


For those of you who haven't memorized my list yet, number 9 is, "create a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable". This item directly relates to the next item on the list, which is to "get down to 205".  (I seriously hope all you dear readers memorize the list quickly, 'cause I don't want to have to hold your hand and spoon feed you for the rest of the year. So...chop chop.)

For more years than I can remember, the holiday season was the end of my working out for the year. But not this year. Nope. They are going to live together and be happy about it, dammit.

So, how am I going to make this happen? To create this universe where these two things that have never lived together, live together? Well, sit back and let me tell ya.

I thought back to all of the advice I've received over the years from a lot of wise men and women and the one piece that kept coming back to me was the old acronym, KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid.

So, I made a schedule. (Doesn't get much simpler than that...and I didn't just write down random days. I took a honest look at what we've got going on for the next week or so, and made a realistic list of what is doable. On those days, working out will be my number one priority.

Oh, I used to have a I rock a beard. That's the reason you don't recognize me in the above photo. 

So, wish me luck - or don't.

As you were.

Monday, December 17, 2018

S#*T, NOW I'M 37

I get it, in the scheme of life, you want to continue having birthdays. 

And for the most part, turning another year older hasn’t really ever been that dramatic (other than turning 25, that one was kinda tough) of an event. I’m beyond blessed with all that I’ve been given – an amazing wife, a super rad kid that’s happy and healthy, great friends, and the list goes on and on.

But for some reason, turning 37 hit me harder than I thought it would. I mean, I’m closer to 40 than 30, and 40 is closer to 50 than 20. So, I feel like I’m morphing into an old man – which isn’t that great of a feeling.

So, I decided to do something a little different on my 37th year on this floating orb. I’ve created a list of things that I want to accomplish, or do, during this year. And, just as luck would have it, getting back to blogging is on the list – lucky you.

So, here is my list. And to help me stay on the blogging thing, I’m going to blog about most, if not all, of how I go about accomplishing the things on my list.

Now, for your reading pleasure, here’s the list (It’s not fully populated because I haven’t thought about all the 37 things I want to do – and I want this list to be meaningful rather than tossing a lot of things on there that I don’t really care about…so I’ll update it when I think of the remaining things).

In no particular order, here is the list as it stands now...
  1. Attend 5 concerts
  2. Install a new wiring harness in the firebird
  3. Generally get the firebird up and running (if I listed everything that was required for the car to run reliably, it would be my entire list)
  4. Change my hunting tactic (mainly for duck, goose, and turkey) and go fewer times but stay out longer. Basically, reduce the frequency and increase the intensity.
  5. Go elk hunting
  6. Go deer hunting
  7. Go turkey hunting
  8. Save an extra $10K
  9. Create a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable
  10. Get down to 205 lbs
  11. Submit an article to Field and Stream
  12. Submit an article to Guidepost
  13. Read 6 books - 3 for fun and 3 for professional development
  14. Make a short documentary video - not sure of the subject matter yet
  15. Learn 5 knots and when to use them
  16. Become a better duck caller
  17. Mountain bike - at least 5 times
  18. Take a hut trip
  19. Blog more
  20. Grow a vegetable garden
  21. Make a rabbit stew
  22. Take a trip with Jamie
  23. Go camping 1 time with the family
  24. Create the tradition of making a big healthy meal on Sunday evenings - 2x/month
  25. Become a more adventurous cook and cook more (not just the Sunday meals mentioned above)
  26. Increase my map reading and navigational skills
  27. Teach Brooks to ride a bike
  28. Create a plan on how to start a podcast (the actual podcast won't be live until 2020)
  29. Create an award winning ad campaign
  30. Build on Brooks' love of being outside and introduce him to hiking and more outdoor activities
  31. Become a better "recycler"
  32. Expand my wardrobe - wear more than the same 2 pairs of pants and same 5 shirts
  33. Become an avid morning workout person - now I'm spotty at best (which means I do it once every 6 months) at getting my workout in before 9 am
  34. Start carrying around an actual film camera and using it to capture this thing we call life. More of candid shots and less of, "Everyone get together and smile on 3" type of deal. 
  35. ???
  36. ???
There you have it. Hope you enjoy reading about upcoming adventures. 

As you were.