Thursday, July 28, 2011


As you know I was at a wedding in my home town this past weekend.  When I was chatting with an old buddy, it dawned on us that we sounded like our dads...basically, like old men.  So DM took it upon himself to make a list of things that make him feel old.  Some of these I can relate to, some of them not so much.  Take a gander and see how many of these you can check off your list.

Thank you my good man for your list.

o     You can’t think in the morning until you have had your coffee.
o     It sounds like popcorn popping when you stand up.
o     You can sleep from 9 PM to 6 AM and still feel tired when you wake up.
o     You have to stretch before golfing.
o     You think going to bed at 10 PM is staying up late.
o     Getting up at 5:30 AM is not that early.
o     The worst part of a hangover is being tired.
o     Mowing the lawn is the most exercise you get in a week.
o     You can nap at any time.
o     You are good at golf.
o     You no longer speed in construction zones, not even 1 MPH over the speed limit.
o     You drink more coffee in a day than anything else.
o     You purchased gas when it was below $1 per gallon.
o     You have children.
o     You use phrases like, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” and “Where’s the beef!”
o     You can eat dinner at 4:45 and not thinks it’s too early.
o     If you wait until 7 to eat dinner you are starving.
o     You work out with two different medicine balls.  The first is 20 lbs, the other 30 lbs.  They are your children.
o     You can remember when Facebook, IPhones, and IPods didn’t exist.
o     You didn’t get your first cell phone until college.
o     You can’t figure out why your sore, then you remember you jumped on a trampoline.

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