Monday, September 23, 2013


We don't have internet (gasp, no cable either) at our house which typically isn't a big problem since there are plenty of coffee shops near-by that offer free Wi-Fi.  Last night we needed to use the internet for a bit so we set off for the nearest Wi-Fi coffee house.  Only instead of us both going in a car, I rode my bike because I didn't want to stay long. 

Although it wasn't raining very hard when I left my house it was pouring when I arrived.  As I was locking up my bike this older gentleman was walking to his SUV and made a friendly comment about how this isn't ideal biking weather. I smiled and we briefly chatted about the rain as he made his way past.  I thought nothing of the encounter and was heading toward the door when an SUV stopped beside me.  It was the older gentleman.  He asked if I wanted him to take me to my car so I could drive home rather than ride.  I declined the offer but it made me think. 

Denver has a different vibe and feel than any other city I've ever lived in.  It is almost like a small town which just happens to have tons of people living in it.  Maybe its because almost everyone is a transplant and remembers what it is like to not know many people or maybe its this awesome weather makes everyone happy.  Whatever it is, I love it.

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