Monday, August 22, 2011


Lucky for me, I like traditions.  Like, always ending up in the river via a tipped canoe or having it rain every single time I go camping.  Some glass-is-half-empty kinda people would say these things are negative.  Me, well, I'm a glass-is-half-full kinda guy...I call those two events "strong traditions".  Everyone knows traditions are the ingredients which give seemingly pointless activities meaning.  Let me tell you, this camping/float had plenty of meaning.

The weekend couldn't have been better.  The float and camping were amazing, the river wasn't too crowded, the weather not too hot, the camp ground not too muddy.  I've said it before, and I'm gonna say it again, floating might be my favorite summer time activity.

Hopefully everyone out there had a nice weekend too.  Only 4.5 (work time calculated only, assuming you work a 40 hour, M-F kinda week) more days until we get to do it again...the weekend that is, not the floating.

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