Monday, October 28, 2013


Seeing as how I fancy myself as a handy-man and have an over abundance of (sometimes mistaken) self confidence in my ability to tackle home repairs I find myself in Home Depot quite a bit. 

Typically on the first trip of the day I never notice how distracting the place can be.  As the project progresses and the number of trips taken increases so does the distraction level.

Starting at the second trip of the day the store starts plotting against you. 

It starts in the parking lot.  All of a sudden there are twice the number of cars than spots.  Once you make it inside it gets even worse.  The aisle you need is full of people...and they're all in the exact four-square-feet you need to be in to get your supplies.  Enter backing up forklift.  It is always in the aisle next to you (or if you're lucky its in your aisle) and based on the duration of the backup alarm, will never reach its destination or move in any direction other than reverse.  But wait, its not over yet.  Next you get to pay for all your goodies.  And the way it works is you are destined to be behind the person paying in pennies or arguing that the 2x4 is only 3 feet rather than 3.5. 

I can hear the store taunting me and talking trash..."You think this is going to be your last trip of the day?  You better think again.  And oh yeah, don't let all of this stress cause you to slip up and be rude to your helper, cause you know, without them you'll have no shot at getting this project done today.  Have fun sucker." 

Luckily I won this round...but next time I might not be so lucky.

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