Thursday, October 24, 2013


The need to have "winter" clothes and "summer" clothes is outdated could be avoided if office buildings were constantly kept at 70 degrees.  When I take over the world this will be one of my mandates so be ready.

No longer would people have to stand in front of their closets and say, "Hmmm, it's only going to be 32 today, what should I wear?"  32 or 102 wouldn't matter...wear whatever you'll be comfortable in at 70 degrees. 

Think about it, if you work in a typical office the actual time spent outside in "actual temperature" is pretty to car, car to office, office to lunch (assuming you don't bring your lunch), office to car, car to house.  That's it.  Most cars have heat and AC, so no need to adjust your wardrobe for that part of your daily journey.  That just leaves the walking to and from the car...which isn't a huge deal. 

Nothing makes me madder than when someone cranks up the heat because it is cold outside...guess what?  We're inside! out of the elements.  If buildings were kept at a constant temperature all year everyone would know what to expect everyday and would dress appropriately.

This is a win-win for everyone...extra closet space for storage, time spent shopping for clothes would be reduced, money would be saved due to not having to buy clothes only to wear them a couple months of the year.  I guess that makes it a win-win-win.

Hopefully with green and LEED building practices on the rise this can become a reality in the nearish future.

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