Monday, June 27, 2016


What I thought was going to be a 3-day project quickly morphed into a 3+ week project. And I'm not talking about a few hours here-and-there each weekend. I'm talking about 8+ hours of work each Saturday and Sunday for the past few weeks.

Our backyard was a hodge-podge of landscaping styles.  Almost like the previous owner let the sales at the store dictate what would be done to the yard.

Mulch on sale. Perfect! We'll put some here.
Red rocks on sale. Excellent. Let's put 'em next to the mulch.
River rock on sale. Wonderful. I know the perfect spot--next to those red rocks we just put down.

Whatever was being purchased was always done in bulk. I thought the rock/mulch/whatever else border was only going to be about 2 inches thick. I was quickly proven wrong. It ranged from 4-6 inches in most areas, with 6 being the dominant depth.

It took about 2 shovel fulls of rock to realize my timeline was incorrect and I had embarked on one helluva job.

So we ordered a 15 yard roll-off dumpster and a walk-behind skid steer. I thought this would do it. Nope. Filling the dumpster just scratched the surface. And now, I had to return the machine and the dumpster was full.

So I took to the shovel and wheel-barrow. I'm now the proud owner of a huge pile (15ish more yards) of various rock and mulch piled in the corner of my yard. Removing this is part of Phase II, which will happen later...much later.

The project was a truly team effort. Without the help of J and my mom (who came in from IL armed with work clothes, shovels, and experience) this project would be far from done. Just proves that "many hands make light work".

15 yard dumpster filled to the brim

The work-horse

Adding the border. That pile of mulch/rock was my nemesis.
Buying in bulk was the only way to go. 4 of these bad boys were needed.

Had the skid-steer. Might as well take out the flower bed we've always hated.

New arrangement. Pretend you can see 4 more flower pots.

Rocks out. Border finished. Top soil and mulch added. Getting ready to place the sprinklers. 

Gotta leave a walk-way for Blu. Once the grass comes in this will be removed. 

Don't judge the uneven stones. This is temporary. 

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