Tuesday, May 17, 2016


I'll admit it. I'm a conspiracy theorist.

Not just with politics, but the world in general. I apply this theory to most things that I see/hear/watch.

Because of this theory, I have a few thoughts.

1. The American media is bought and paid for by the interests of the 1%. When all major news companies are owned by mega-corporations, the news distributed to the American public is biased and filtered.

Case in point: Bernie has been winning some states lately and packing rallies, but the majority of the coverage is focused on Trump and Clinton. How is this any different than state-sponsored radio? The state (in this case, the 1%) controls what is passed along. I believe they've done a good job of covering their bases by creating stations with conflicting points of view (Fox News vs. MSNBC) but if you look at it, they still cover the same events, just from differing points of view.

2. I believe there is a world-government. In my opinion, there are 20 or so people "behind the curtain" running the entire show.

The only solace I have found in this is that Trump will not become president. Not because he doesn't have supporters, the political know-who, is trying to revert America back to the 1950s, is going to destroy the middle class, will make other countries hate America more than they already do, spews hate, or anything along those lines.

Nope, all of that aside, he won't win because he doesn't play the political game like the powers-that-be are used to. He scares them. He could go rogue. So, they'll rig the election and do whatever needs to happen (hanging chads, anyone) to make sure he doesn't get the vote.

Does this make me happy? Not at all. I think he should lose on his own. But, as long as he doesn't win and (hopefully) doesn't make another reality show I'll be happy. He can live in his towers with his bought wife and go back to being a player in the real-estate game.

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