Friday, January 4, 2019


I'm going to do it...I'm adding number 35 to my list of things I want to do this year.

#35: Start seeking out, and creating, opportunities to hang out with people in my tribe. (Both people that I already know and by meeting new people.) 
(I know the word "tribe" is often overused and has a sort of sorority girl cliche' associated with it. Believe me - I spent several minutes searching for another word...but none worked.)

What I mean is, start surrounding myself with people who have a similar energy as mine and who provide inspiration.

We all know these people, or have at least come into contact with them from time to time. We often leave these interactions happy, refreshed and recharged. Sometimes, if we're lucky, we have that rare, "I've got the world by the neck and can do anything I put my mind to" feeling. Sadly, these feelings are rare and the positive vibes often evaporate quickly.

So, I'm going to make it a point to put myself in these situations as often as possible.

I believe the energy these hangouts provide help us operate at a higher frequency - and that's what I'm all about for 2019.

Because I over-analyze everything - EVERYTHING - I spent some serious time trying to figure out what draws me to this group of people. Besides "I like to feel good and have fun"  I came up with a few ideas...

  • Most are very entrepreneurial in spirit
  • They are doing what brings them joy regardless of what society says they should do
  • Most have a "I don't care what you think" attitude. I'll do me, you do you, and we'll be cool.
  • They've figured out what they want to do in life, and have gone after it. I am very envious of this courage and want to have more of my own. 

The first three points are very in-line with my thinking. My momma will tell you that I ever since I popped out of the womb I've had a "damn the man" attitude and have practiced a "live and let live" outlook.

The fourth bullet point is what I need to work on. I know what I want to do and I've been working extremely hard to make it happen. But, who wouldn't want to surround themselves with courageous dudes and chicks?

And, an even more important part of this list item, is to let the universe know I'm open to meeting new people who share the same energy. After all, if you always swim in the same pond, you'll always see the same things.

As you were.

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