Monday, December 19, 2011
I was at Big Ron's the other day to celebrate Christmas and boy howdy, he was in the giving mood. Not only did he give me some awesome presents, I mentioned that I'd like to borrow his turn table and BAM, it was in my hands. Thinking I might as well press my luck and ask to borrow an album or two, because let's face it, with no records a turn table is just a rotating coaster. What do ya know? BAM, my hands were full of classics. Floyd, The Doors, Beatles (for a moment, I thought better and put those back, no reason to be greedy or rude), and Joe Walsh. I was as giddy as a fat man at an all you can eat buffet. The whole trip home I planned what order I would play the vinyl and imagined how good they'd sound. Once the needle made contact and the music started to play, I felt like I was in the middle of the much so when I realized I wasn't wearing bell bottoms I was surprised. Although this wasn't a Christmas present it was most definitely given with the same joy, warmth, and enthusiasm one would give a Christmas present.
Thanks dad.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
recalled. But not before I got my mitts on one. I bet forbidden coke tastes the best
Friday, December 9, 2011
That is exactly what DID NOT happen. The boys over at really did it. They really closed. When I was watching the final moments, it was as if I was watching a movie where the hero was dying a heroic death after saving the princess or the world or (insert any other cliche' here). I can't speak for everyone, but I was truly saddened.
Again, all I can say is thanks for the memories. Thanks for not paying attention to conventional wisdom or "common sense" and agreeing to be pelted by paint balls for hours on end. I enjoyed every minute of it.
May your bruises heal quickly so you can start working on your next awesomely weird ideas.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunny day + crisp weather + coffee in my favorite cup = awesome
Double check my work if you'd like...but math doesn't lie.
All of these things point to a productive morning and afternoon.
Carry on.
Monday, November 28, 2011
SAD BUT TRUE is closing up shop. Yup, the paintball gun is about to shoot its last.
Head over and have some fun while you can...that "F" key aint going to do anything for you anywhere else.
Thanks for the memories fellas.
Good luck.
Ok, so here is the deal. I'm sure you're all aware I've been working on a lil' project. Well guess what, it just got real. I'm so close to the end that I can almost see that beautifully bound thesis sitting on top of my closed computer...but I'm not there yet. So, until the end, you'll just get random updates. Sorry, it's just got to be that way. It's not you, it's me.
Ok, here is a quick run-down of what I've been doing.
- Went back home for T-day
- Saw a lot of good friends while at home for said holiday
- Took a picture of my dog to the bar where his name came from...soon it will be on the wall. (This has been a goal of mine since I've been about 6).
- Went to a great friend's wedding. Congrats again you crazy kid you.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
1- Green Bay is more magical than Santa's workshop
2- I have never seen so much green and gold
3- If you're going to tail-gate remember these few rules:
A- Be ready to share. This applies to beer, food, bottle openers, footballs, grills, wifes, (no, not really
wifes, that would be weird) and yard games. Basically, if you have it, you need to be ready to share it.
B- Dress for the cold. This was a classic function over form environment. No one likes whiners.
C- Get there early. We got to the tailgating lot at 8 a.m. for a noon game. By 9, the lot was full.
4- The majority of people we talked to had a noticeable accent
5- Stop lights are referred to as "Stop and Go lights"
6- Everybody was into the game. There was not an empty seat and almost no one was too busy texting to enjoy the game
To top off the weekend, we stopped at a Monical's pizza on the way home. And yes, it was just as good as I remember it being.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Anyway, I've been really hammering away at this pesky lil' thesis. By my estimation, I've only got about 20 more pages to craft before I can say I'm done with the writing portion. Anyway, that explains the lack of writings...
One very important thing that I failed to be mentioned via this electric platform was my cousin, Lil' Man, was selected first team all conference. Very impressive by any standard. Keep up the good work.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Here is another idea, when I tell you to be quiet or move, how about you don't act all shocked and look at me like I've just asked for your first born. The way I see it, if I've glared at you AND cleared my throat, it should be no surprise that I'm going to say something pretty quickly.
Also, if you're wearing headphones and I can hear your music 10 feet away, you're doing something wrong.
I would love for there to be a "graduate student" only section. Do they even have these? Surely some schools have to, I'm just not lucky enough go to one of these schools.
Anyone else need me to teach you how to behave in a library, just ask. Until then, shut up.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Maybe it's because I've been spending a lot of time at the library lately and I welcome a quick break to think about life's finer things but I've spent a great deal of time thinking about this. Call it being "thesis minded" (or brain washed) but, all of a sudden, everything I say or think I feel needs to have some research behind it or have a clarifying statement attached to it. I'm sure this is very annoying to all those who have had to interact with me lately (my poor wife must get the brunt of it since I talk to her the most <---more clarifying statements) and hopefully this new habit doesn't stick around when I'm done with said thesis. OK, enough chit-chat. Here is the scientific way I've researched this "summer attire in different seasons".
I've always ran hot...if I had a gauge on my forehead like cars have on their dashboard, my needle would undoubtedly be dangerously close to the red. People would constantly be asking me if I was about to overheat. Now, taking this into consideration, I thought about all of the other people who have temperatures close to mine. Of all the people I know, which is a lot, I could only think of 2 other people who are constantly warm.
Then, I asked myself, would Mr. X or Mr. Y (names changed to protect the subjects) be wearing shorts and flip-flops? Then I would ask myself, "Would I be wearing shorts and flip-flops?" I then would look down at my outfit and realize, "No. I am not wearing shorts and flip-flops" therefore Mr. X and Mr. Y are most likely not wearing them either.
Once the outfit was determined of the control subjects, I asked myself "what is the likelihood these strangers have a higher, or at the very least, the same internal thermostat setting as the subjects?" The conclusion was it is highly unlikely for these strangers to run hotter than myself or Mr. X and Y based on the pure number of people I know and the number of people who have the same temperature as I. Therefore, I have concluded these people wear shorts for a reason other than to attempt to regulate their body temperature...most likely because they want the opportunity to say, "It's not cold out here at all." Really, then why are you shivering and hugging yourself? Put some long pants on already, it's almost November.
Until next time...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I can honestly say that if I saw nolan Ryan at the store I would never recognize about aging terribly. But he has more money than I could ever dream there's that.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Good news, I have decided that I'm going to keep a tally of all the money I spend on coffee, soda, snacks, and whatever other little pick-me ups I need to get through this. You lucky devil you, at the end of it all you get to join me in gasping at the amount of money spent...all in the name of education.
Another positive note, assuming history is a guide, I seem to have some pretty random and crazy thoughts when my mind kicks into'll get to hear (or read as it may be) those too.
See...thesis writing is fun.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
That is the same feeling I felt 3, yeah, you read correct, 3 times within the past week. Yup. Two bars and one restaurant in my neighborhood…all within five minutes. I even walked home from one Friday night, just to see what it would be like. I seriously feel like I've been living under a rock for more than the past year. Regardless, I've got three new places to go an none of them is more than 5 minutes from my front door. Who's late to the party? This guy. But whatever, next time you stop by we'll hit one (or all three if you're lucky) of these hidden gems up.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
When he eats he doesn't just keep his head in the food bowl and he most definitely doesn't slowly lower his head to the bowl when he wants to take a bite. He forcefully thrusts his head down into the bowl just as a child forcibly pushes the lever to make the hippo open his mouth and jerk to the center of the board.
This made me start to wonder if most people move their mouth toward their food or let the hand do all the work and push the food entirely into the mouth. Turns out, the majority of people, yours truly included, eat like hungry hippos. I bet the next time you're at a restaurant you'll have, if only for a split second, the image of a bunch of brightly colored hippos sitting around tables. Yup, betcha do.
Monday, October 10, 2011
I can't say I'm surprised my body has betrayed me...the past week has been nothing but over-indulging and unhealthy food. But enough is enough. I'm going on a diet. I think I have caught it in time to stop this runaway train. After all, who says a runaway train can't come back?
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
I have decided to not run in the upcoming marathon. I'm sure you're like, "Whoa, what happened big guy?" I'll tell you. I have been really busy lately, so busy that my entire life has been in a constant state of "frantic". Let me tell ya, this is no way to live. So, I made the decision to start eliminating things which take up a lot of time so I can have more time to focus on the things that need to get done.
The job search takes a lot of time, and is about to get kicked up a notch with the impending December graduation. I can't just magically get a job without putting in the time, so that can't get cut. I can't quit school cause that would make the job search even more difficult. So the marathon got cut.
Don't worry, there will be another race and my sanity is more important than the run. Plus, since I've already run a full I don't need to prove to myself that I'm capable.
Happy running.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
1- Spend countless hours on Facebook looking at stranger's profiles
2- Day dream of what you would do with all of your lotto winnings
3- Look at the winning lotto numbers for the past 15 Powerball drawings to try and determine a pattern so #2 can become a reality
4- Write a blog post
5- Use your mouse to draw boxes on your desktop
6- Search for an awesome picture to post as your desktop wall-paper
7- Spend even more time on Facebook
8- Open a new word document and type any and all words that happen to pop in your head
9- Check the weather on-line
10- Sit and stare aimlessly out the window
1- Don't even think about calling the utility company to located any pesky buried cables or wires. After all, they're relatively small therefore your odds of hitting one or all of them is relatively small too.
2- Some would look in a book or use the google-machine to figure out how, exactly, to build a fence. I would call these people "followers" and "uncreative". Sometimes you've got to blaze a new path by yourself.
3- Make sure you get into an argument with the person you're going to be working with for the next 7 hours. The argument should be about nothing related to manual labor or building a fence but should definitely carry over into the project. Snide and smart ass comments help this fire burning the length of the project.
4- The right tool for the job??? Nope. Unnecessary. You need a screw put into a reason to make the long walk back to the basement. A hammer will work just fine, they're for hitting things you know.
5- Level schmevel. Use your eyes and your good judgement.
6- The old saying "Measure twice, cut once" sucks. Use that power saw as much as possible.
7- Digging holes is much easier when drinking a beer. If your helper isn't digging then have them hold your beer. Better yet, have the helper dig the hole while you drink.
8- Start and stop as much as possible. No reason to get into a rhythm when you have all weekend to work on this project.
9- Save your back by carrying as little as possible on every trip. This also adds to the length of the project.
10- Don't put your tools away. Rain washes them...who wants dirty tools anyway?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
On one side you've got the notion that having high expectations is best. Some would argue that greatness can only occur by having such lofty expectations. What about the flip side? What about the frustration and anger and disappointment you might feel when these almost unattainable expectations aren't met? Is it worth it?
The other side of the coin houses low expectations. If you have lowered your expectations you reduce the frustration/anger/disappointment factor because you don't expect much anyway. There isn't really all that much to get upset about. Almost like any positive is just icing on the cake.
Part of me wants to lower my expectations...but I just can't seem to do it. I'm too much the optimist...expecting the best out of myself and others. Sure, I get frustrated and stressed on a regular basis but I just can't seem to keep the expectations at a lowered yet reasonable level.
So, I've decided for the month of October I'm going to lower my expectations, of both myself and others. It is kinda odd to make a goal of like's almost like saying, "I'm going to see if I can NOT clean my house for a month". Seems easy enough but time will tell.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Just when yours truly thought he had seen a lot the bar was raised. At a wedding and the sh donned a bad Elvis wig and procedeed to give a random 60something woman he plucked from the audiene a lap dance. He stripped down to his boxers.
Pictures to follow.
PS-im happy to report the wedding was not for my friends or family.
All these changes make me think, do we really know what we want. It seems that after every upgrade/change people grumble about it until they have gone through the learning curve. Once that happens, everyone wonders how they survived before the new format was rolled out.
This reminds me of a quote by Henry Ford, "If I asked people what they wanted they would have said a faster horse". Is it true we can not decide what we really want if we don't know the possibilities? You let that thought bounce around your noggin on this foggy Friday.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Try to beat this one, I dare you.
"Eww...that smells like my dad's hands"
Then the conversation turned to said it looks like I was born in Antarctica (with a hat and gloves on) then quickly added that I could have been born in Texas. I understand the Texas comment because I am wearing a pearl snapped shirt but Antarctica...really?
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Keep in mind I have check the factuality of this chart. Assuming all is true I think this is very impressive. Live and let live.
I got back on the horse last night. I'm happy to report I had a great close to cheetah like as I can get. True, it was only a 5-miler, but I can't remember the last time 5 floated by so effortlessly. It was almost as if I had little motors in my legs. Maybe it was not hellish weather. Maybe it was my legs were super fresh. Whatever the reason I can only hope today's run is as perfect.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
If you read the article, then you would know the tactic I'm talking about is trying to squeeze out 3 sets of 10. If the right weights are used, this seems like a good workout. Apparently people focus too much on the reps and sacrifice adding weight in order to achieve the 10 count.
Well, for some reason, this article struck a cord with me and I have changed my lifting strategy. (Note: I was not doing the ol' 3x10 anyway, but it made me think of what I was doing). Since Monday I've started doing 4 or 5 exercises for one muscle group. As the article recommends, I am focusing on finding the weight I can do 3-5 times as fast as possible with good form. Let me tell you this, I'm sore. Really, really, it hurts to watch TV sore. I love it. Another added bonus, I've also noticed my heart-rate has dramatically increased practically the whole time that I'm lifting.
I'm going to give it a shot for the next 7 weeks. I'll report back every once and a while. When the first shirt has it's sleeves ripped because of my bigger and better arms, you'll be the first to know.
I was so excited to start my day and take advantage of this weather that I decided my pup couldn't wait until the normal wake up time of 5 o'clock to get his first taste of the weather...yup, thought 3 in the morning was a much better time. Let me tell ya, I was right. Slight breeze, crisp air, quiet as a church. I didn't want to get all of my outside time at once, so after a few minutes I thought it best for us both to go back to bed for a few hours...just to let Mr. Sun catch up to us.
After work BluDog and I spent about 72 minutes (a rough estimate) outside. We had a nice lil game of fetch (or as close as you can get to fetch with a 14 week old puppy), practiced our manners and tricks, and just chilled out by sitting in the sun. I've waited an eternity to be able to be able to feel the sun without sweating, well, without sweating a lot.
Next on the agenda was to grill. In all fairness, BluDog isn't much of a griller..I think it's the fact he lacks opposable thumbs. Whatever. He tried his best, and really that's all you ask for.
And that brings us to the present. Maybe I'll go for a run in a little bit, maybe I'll sit on the porch. Maybe I'll have a small firepit...just so I can say I had one on a week night.
Hope your outside time was as good as mine.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I'm not saying I look freakish or have crazy hair, and I'm not saying my hair is the best. It is your basic guys short hair there isn't really much to do to "style" it...definitely no Jersey Shore blowout or 30 minutes of prep time. I basically slap some wax on it and out the door I done and hands washed and dried in about 17 seconds.
So back to the hair who thinks for itself...well, I guess I should first start by saying I have a minor widow's peak. You'd never know it was minor though if you saw me a few days after a new cut. The hair at the bow (that's a boat term) of the peak is too short to stand straight up while the hair at the base (I have no idea of what you call this portion of my hair)of the peak is long enough to stand up with the wax. What does this give me? A hair style that would make Eddie Munster jealous.
I have no doubt this look could be alleviated if I took more than the stated 17 seconds to "style" my hair...after I'm done getting it cut, for the first few hours anyway, my hair looks like it should be in GQ.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Keep up the good work lil' man.
Click Here to watch video.
Other weekend events consisted of hanging out with long lost buddies, visiting a hospital, reaffirming all-you-can-eat-buffets are not the wisest choice, watching football, and fighting a continuous battle with BluDog about getting on the couch.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Take advantage of the mid-70 degree weather this upcoming week is promising.
Summer, you were a good time and the catalyst for many great memories but your 100 degree attitude was getting a little old.
See you next year good friend.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Some people get upset with the words "global warming" and deny it to the bitter end...but say we are going through a "climate change" that is resulting in warmer weather globally and the same people who argue global warming will quickly agree. Believe what you want, I really don't care, but this article is interesting.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Complete a 13 mile run before my 3 day weekend can begin. Time to kick back and relax.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
"You can't be a winner everyday...but you can be a loser everyday."
So remember this quote when you're just going through the motions today.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday watched my little cousin's football game (they won and he played great), Saturday went for a long run and napped before going out on the town. Sunday played golf with an old buddy then ate dinner at the 'laws. Even got in a little cleaning which made me really happy.
It's weird how life has a way of giving you a break right when you need it...
Happy Monday.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
No biggie I said to myself, I've got a buck in my wallet and I'll just use that. No dollar bill, but a 10. Don't get me wrong, I love finding 9 extra dollars, but talk about winning to lose. Strike 2.
For a split second I thought, "Sweet! I'll ask someone if they can break my ten and I'll be able to get my drink and maybe even toss in a candy bar for my trouble. WINNING" Bam, I snapped to my senses, who under the age of 45 would have 10 bucks in their pocket, especially the correct amount to be able to break my 10? Toss that fact on top of the fact that I'm on a college campus. Strike 3.
I didn't even ask anyone. I ended up slowly and begrudgingly walking to the water fountain, a beaten man.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I'm sure you're thinking, "Well yeah, that sucks, but is it really that strange? You run outside after all." You've got a point, if I got stung on the shoulder, on the leg, back, arm, or any other easily accessible place it wouldn't be that weird. I probably wouldn't even write about it (yes I would, who am I kidding?) You know where I got stung, on my foot...right below my ankle to be exact.
Take a minute to look at your shoe-clad foot. I mean, look at the amount of space between the side of your foot and your, seriously, take 4 seconds to look at that small space. Now factor in the fact I was running, so it was a moving target non-the-less. Somehow a bee manged to get himself into my moving shoe and give me a present of a stinger in my foot. Stupid bee didn't even ask if I liked stingers, he just assumed. We all know what assuming does. So that I was, on the path at forest park, running along on minute and the next ripping my shoe and sock off hopping around one foot. Great way to end a run.
Monday, August 22, 2011
The weekend couldn't have been better. The float and camping were amazing, the river wasn't too crowded, the weather not too hot, the camp ground not too muddy. I've said it before, and I'm gonna say it again, floating might be my favorite summer time activity.
Hopefully everyone out there had a nice weekend too. Only 4.5 (work time calculated only, assuming you work a 40 hour, M-F kinda week) more days until we get to do it again...the weekend that is, not the floating.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Lame week = Lack of postings.
I'm sure you're thinking that not much of what I write about is "blog worthy", well sir, you are correct. What can I say, I don't live an exciting life.
More later.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Saturday headed south to another friends house in Bloomington-Normal...home of the Red Birds. Again, a lovely time was had. We got there at the perfect time of year, the weather was nice and the college bars (see cheap beer) weren't packed with obnoxious college kids yet. It was really the making for a perfect storm.
Sunday was the much anticipated engagement party...complete with a tent. It was a nice opp for both families to get together and mingle in a low stress and chilled out environment. The combination of great company, amazing food and cooperative weather made for an excellent party.
Now back to the grind. Happy Monday all.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
At first he was really timid and just wanted to hang out by JP and eat treats (told you he was smart). But soon enough he was mingling with the other puppies and having a grand ol' time.
I think this class benefited me more than the dog. It might be possible that I'm expecting too much out of this 9-week old dog. Is it too much to ask that he never have an accident inside, gets me the morning paper, and has dinner cooked, or at least started, by the time I get home??? Yeah, I didn't think so either.
The instructors said he was doing really good, and that he was a very well behaved puppy. That made me happy.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Here is where I ran.
In the words of Peter Griffith, here are a few things that "Grind my gears"
- When you're walking on a public sidewalk in a park, there is no need for you and your three other friends to walk shoulder to shoulder. If this terrible mistake is made, how about you at least attempt to get out of the way when someone is running towards you. There is no reason to make a single runner get off of the path so you and your fat friends can continue walking 4-across.
- People who suck using the self checkout in the grocery store. This suck group can be broken down into a few categories.
- Category 1: The person who tries to check out a full cart of stuff. Don't they see there are only three bags in the "loading area"? You know if you take any bags off the area before you pay an alarm goes off, causing a confused look, some incoherent mumblings, and the employee to come to the aid of the distressed shopper. All of which prolong my checking out.
- The people who struggle to scan every item. Really? Have we never watched someone scan groceries before? The machine can't read the label no matter how quickly or slowly you pass it in front of the laser. Use the bar code...its the black and white things with lines and numbers.
Try not to suck today.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
- Temps in the 70s
- One of your favorite shirts clean
- QT coffee
- O.A.R. caressing your ear drums on your drive to work
Monday, August 8, 2011
- 2 wedding receptions
- 1 all day birthday bash
- 1 family birthday party
- 1 clean house
- 1 new bar visited
- 1 birthday cake baked
Thursday, August 4, 2011
If my mission is a success, maybe Bludog will love it so much he wants to sleep instead of whine during the night. This will benefit both man and beast.
That is all for now, carry on.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Feast your peepers on this hunk of fun. Chunk is on the ledge and Jack is on the ground.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
1. There is a church on my route that has service at 6 a.m. In the past, I've seen a person or two walk up to the front of the church before...I'd always assumed they were going to the church to pray before work. But today I happened to be running past when services got out. A sea of people flooded out of the church. While watching the people scatter, noticed, and questioned, a few things.
- No one in the bunch was under 76.
- Old people move slowly.
- Many within this demographic drive very similar vehicles.
- Did people go to church on weekday mornings back “in the olden days”?
- What are these old timers going to do with the rest of their days?
So, there you have it. These were some of the random thoughts bouncing around my noggin as my feet pounded the pavement. Now the question is, run tomorrow without the music or with it? Research says people can exercise longer when listening to music...but I kinda enjoyed the peace and quiet. I’ll keep you posted.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be hearing plenty about him and his quest to befriend the kittens.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thank you my good man for your list.
I guess that means I won't be too busy traveling and doing rich-people stuff to continue adding to this masterpiece of a blog...Lucky you.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I could blame it on the heat or the fact that I was traveling this past weekend, but I'm not going to. I'm going to own up to the fact that I have just had no desire, and no strong drive to overcome the lack of desire. I'm not to the freak out stage yet, I know that it will only take a good run or two to snap me out of this funk. Hopefully publicly exposing my laziness helps me get back into shape.
In non-running news, I've been a busy bee around the house these past few days. I'll be posting pictures in the very near future, so just relax.
Monday, July 25, 2011
- A trip to the Blue Dog, with the required hamburger horseshoe. This has been my meal of choice there since at least 8th grade, only difference is now I order a beer rather than a cherry coke.
- Mel-O-Cream doughnuts on Saturday morning
- Swimming at the local pool. This is where I spent the majority of my time during the summers as a pudgy youngster...sometimes swimming in the pool and sometimes sitting under the life-guard station, "thinking about what I did wrong"
- Celebrating a buddy's wedding. CONGRATS again Beau and Missy.
- Catching up with lots of friends
- Seeing my folks
- Eating Wendy's
Thanks to all who helped make my weekend great.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Think of all the fish bowls I could put this bad boy in. If I was lucky, I could eat free lunches for weeks.
Hope all you cool kids out there stay cool in this heat. I might recommend taking advantages of your local know the Mississippi is practically in your backyard. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
To some, this might sound like complaining, which it's not. I'm simply letting all of my internet friends know that it is going to be hot for the next couple days.
My only question is, how am I supposed to run in this heat. It is almost like if I don't run at 5 in the morning, then I'm not going to run. (I'd like to point out the heat index at 5 a.m. is in the high 80s/low 90s.) Most days this isn't a it could potentially be a problem since I didn't wake up on time. Maybe I should run in the heat to punish myself and help myself remember to wake up in the morning.
Stay cool out there.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
I'm changing up my tactic. Sure, I'll still party hard for special occasions, and most likely a few times for no occasion at all...but any change takes time. I thought that I was going to fear this, but in all honesty, I don't mind too much. Two Saturdays ago I was up at 5 a.m., had the yard mowed, went on a 7-mile run, cleaned the dishes, and did some random yard work, all by 11 a.m. I'm to the point where I'd rather do that than sleep till 9 and lay around for a few hours. Getting old is weird.
Friday, July 15, 2011
On running news, I ran the other day and it felt good. I've got a 7-miler tomorrow, I am going to switch my run times and run in the evening rather than the morning because we're having a garage/yard sale. So if you're looking for some super awesome stuff, come on over. Call if you need directions.