Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I forgot my music-listening device today, so I only had the sound of my feet hitting the pavement and my thoughts to keep me occupied.  Even though most of my morning runs happen at the same time in the same neighborhood, I noticed a few “new” things this morning.

1.  There is a church on my route that has service at 6 a.m.  In the past, I've seen a person or two walk up to the front of the church before...I'd always assumed they were going to the church to pray before work.  But today I happened to be running past when services got out.  A sea of people flooded out of the church.  While watching the people scatter, noticed, and questioned, a few things. 
  • No one in the bunch was under 76. 
  • Old people move slowly. 
  • Many within this demographic drive very similar vehicles.
  • Did people go to church on weekday mornings back “in the olden days”? 
  • What are these old timers going to do with the rest of their days?
 2.  There were three houses in a row that were losing their leaves...seriously, if you just looked out the window you would think that it was 68 degrees and fall.  Maybe the trees were like, "We'll make a deal with you Mr. Heatnhumidity, we'll give you our leaves and you give us a break from this heat."  Too bad the trees don't know that Mr. Heatnhumidity is a jerk.  Now they've lost their leaves for nothing.

So, there you have it.  These were some of the random thoughts bouncing around my noggin as my feet pounded the pavement.  Now the question is, run tomorrow without the music or with it?  Research says people can exercise longer when listening to music...but I kinda enjoyed the peace and quiet.  I’ll keep you posted.

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