You know that feeling you get when you discover something that's pretty awesome but others have already figured it out? You're kinda in a state of surprised're really pumped that you found this new great thing, but you can't boast or brag too much because everyone else already knew about it. It's almost like you're the last one picked to be on a kickball team. Happy to be playing, bummed you were the last resort.
That is the same feeling I felt 3, yeah, you read correct, 3 times within the past week. Yup. Two bars and one restaurant in my neighborhood…all within five minutes. I even walked home from one Friday night, just to see what it would be like. I seriously feel like I've been living under a rock for more than the past year. Regardless, I've got three new places to go an none of them is more than 5 minutes from my front door. Who's late to the party? This guy. But whatever, next time you stop by we'll hit one (or all three if you're lucky) of these hidden gems up.
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