Sunday, March 10, 2013


What a time for my computer to shoot craps...right have so much to write about.  Lucky for you I've been keeping a mental note of things to write-worthy things.

1- Living in Colorado is pretty much amazing. 

2- At the gym I go to almost everyone is friendly and says the customary "excuse me" when social courtesy dictates...except for the over 50 crowd.  I've never been mean-mugged by so many older people in my life.  On a side note, there is no need to have elestic around the cuffs of sweat pants. 

3- My cats like to around 3 in the morning.  They also like to attack my legs when I'm sleeping.  I now have some pretty awesome scratches and have been woken up more times than I can count.

4- Despite my best efforts, I haven't found a good gas station yet.  On the plus side, I have drastically reduced the amount of money I spend in $3-$5 dollar increments.

5- The weather here is perfectly suited for a person with a short attention span.  6 inches of snow one day, 60 degrees the next.

6- My old EIU t-shirts and sweat-shirt have been the cause of many conversations.  I met a guy in a grocery store who grew up 30 miles from L-town.

7- While exploring I need to remind myself to drive faster than 20 mph.  I really doubt people are using their horns to say "Welcome to Denver" 

8-  Parking here is pretty limited.  It is funny to see people's faces when I start to parallel park the truck in a smallish space. 

9- Not having a computer at your beckon call is really weird...hopefully that lil' situation will be taken care of quickly.

10- I have never been a fan of wearing coats, and that feeling has only strengthened lately.  You would think  having more pockets to put stuff in would make life easier.  I've found that it makes things more difficult because it messes up my routine of putting certain things in certain pockets of my pants.  I could just not put anything in the coat pockets, but having unused pockets doesn't make sense to me.  I'll be happy when coats are no longer needed.

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