Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I've heard horror stories about jury duty.  But let me tell you friends, when I got the summons in the mail, I was actually happy.  You see, I just graduated with my Masters and am still job searching, so an excuse to get out of the house was welcome.  Plus I've been watching a ton of Law & Order lately, so I'm up on court room lingo.

Well, I'm sad to report that I didn't get selected.  What did I do?  A lot of reading.

I don't understand the thinking of some of the other potential jurors.  Once you get the summons, it should be no surprise you’re going to spend the majority of your day at the courthouse…why not bring some reading material?

Me...I totally rocked jury duty.  I had a satchel full of 2 sandwiches, 5 magazines, 2 books, about 13 pens and pencils and a notebook to doodle in and a phone with internet capabilities.  If you don't know me, I have a very hard time sitting still for anything more than 17 seconds.  To say it doesn't take long for me to get antsy is an understatement.   But what I lack in the ability to sit still I more than make up for with the ability to plan for my short attention span...give me a heads-up that I'm going to have a day of 8+ hours where I'm going to have to sit in one place and entertain myself and I can totally do it with a smile on my face.

But, what really stuck with me was the sense of pride I felt when I showed up at the courthouse.
 Even though I've fought "the man" since 3rd grade, I was more than willing to serve in this capacity. Since my world is almost exclusively filled with shades of gray rather than black and white, I think dictating the outcome of someone’s life would be extremely difficult.  In that respect, I’m glad I was not chosen but I was happy to be available if needed.

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