Sunday, February 26, 2012


This past weekend I went bowling with a couple of fine people.  As I was trying to figure out which ball was going to give me the best chance of rolling a 300 I heard a kid scream behind biggie at first.  After all, the group next to where I was standing was made up of about 6 adults (aged 25-40) and two little kids, aged about 2 and 5.  Well, the screaming became more panicked so I turned around only to find the 2 year old had his hand stuck in the ball return with a ball quickly approaching.  

I was able to grab the bowling ball right before it rolled over this kids hand.  At about the same time, a woman, I'm assuming this kid's mom, got the kids hand unstuck from the machine...the whole time scolding the child and making unfunny comments to the adults in her group. 

The only person to thank me was the 5 year old who also happened to be standing there.  Was I expecting to get the keys to the city or free beer for the night?  Did I stop the ball only so I could be thanked?  No, in fact, I stopped the ball before I even thought about doing it.  What I was expecting someone other than a 5 year old to thank me,  namely the mother. 

Are good manners a thing of the past?  Every day I ask myself this question and, as of late, I'm starting to think they are gone from the majority of people's lives. 

It's a shame really.

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