Making America look dumb, again. |
But, when I see that America is pulling out of an agreement to help protect the earth, my gut wrenches.
Rather than dwell on this horrific move, I'm choosing to focus on the good of others. Take Colorado's Governor, like many other Governors and world leaders, has publicly stated he intend to keep doing what he's doing - pushing policies and agendas to protect the earth. Without these smart and brave souls, Ol' Donny might actually succeed in making this world a worse place...which seems to be his plan.
I don't care what side of the aisle you're on...who can deny the benefits of having a clean world to live in; fresh air to breathe, and forests that aren't destroyed?
Doesn't everyone benefit from the great outdoors?
Thank you to all the governments, local, state, and national, that are doing all they can to protect the earth. You're a beacon of light and hope amid a terrible storm.
Get outside and enjoy it while you can.
As you were.