Monday, May 15, 2017


Today it finally happened. The stars aligned just so and Brooks was able to get the tip of a cat's tail into his mouth.   

The cat wasn't thrilled. Thank goodness Chunk was the one who happened to be within arm's reach and not Jack. Although, to be fair, both cats have been much more tolerant than either Jamie or I would have ever thought. 

After the tail eating trial, Chunk simply moved just out of arm's reach and continued laying on the mat which Brooks' "gym" is attached to. And only seemed slightly annoyed that his tail was on the menu. 

Meanwhile, Jack continued chilling well beyond the reach capable of a 6 month old. Here he is, exhibiting his, "I don't give a shit" pose. He strikes this pose on a regular basis...personally, I think he is secretly hoping the dog will come investigate, therefore giving him a great opportunity to scratch the pup. 

We figure it's only a matter of time until both cats get tired of losing tiny handfuls of hair or having their tails grabbed and crammed into a gummy mouth. Hopefully Brooks is a fast learner and only gets scratched once or twice before he realizes "you look with your eyes and not your hands". Although, if he is anything like his old man, we'll be telling him this for years to come.

As you were. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Busy news day over here...I'd like to think that it's just a random occurrence, but really, I think it's just because I happened to read the news for the first time in a while. The older I get, the more I dislike most people.

It still boggles my mind that people don't believe in science...It's 2017 for F's sake.

I can't say I'm shocked by this story...and I hate the parents and what they stand for. But I really feel for these kids...


Hey companies -

If you're looking for a way not to treat customers, or a way not to end up in the news, look no further than our friends over at United Airlines.

Here is there newest example of stellar customer service.

I have to imagine all the public relations teachers and professors are having a field day with all of this coverage.