Friday, June 2, 2017


Making America look dumb, again. 
I've tried, I really have. I've quit Facebook, (Well, I deleted the app on my phone but I know this blog and some of my Instagram posts still populate my newsfeed...but I've quit looking at Facebook); I've taken a break from watching the news 2-3 times a day, and I've quit talking politics...all in an order to protect myself from the constant depressed feeling I was experiencing...due to this man.

But, when I see that America is pulling out of an agreement to help protect the earth, my gut wrenches.

Rather than dwell on this horrific move, I'm choosing to focus on the good of others. Take Colorado's Governor, like many other Governors and world leaders, has publicly stated he intend to keep doing what he's doing - pushing policies and agendas to protect the earth. Without these smart and brave souls, Ol' Donny might actually succeed in making this world a worse place...which seems to be his plan.

I don't care what side of the aisle you're on...who can deny the benefits of having a clean world to live in; fresh air to breathe, and forests that aren't destroyed?

Doesn't everyone benefit from the great outdoors?

Thank you to all the governments, local, state, and national, that are doing all they can to protect the earth. You're a beacon of light and hope amid a terrible storm.

Get outside and enjoy it while you can.

As you were.

Monday, May 15, 2017


Today it finally happened. The stars aligned just so and Brooks was able to get the tip of a cat's tail into his mouth.   

The cat wasn't thrilled. Thank goodness Chunk was the one who happened to be within arm's reach and not Jack. Although, to be fair, both cats have been much more tolerant than either Jamie or I would have ever thought. 

After the tail eating trial, Chunk simply moved just out of arm's reach and continued laying on the mat which Brooks' "gym" is attached to. And only seemed slightly annoyed that his tail was on the menu. 

Meanwhile, Jack continued chilling well beyond the reach capable of a 6 month old. Here he is, exhibiting his, "I don't give a shit" pose. He strikes this pose on a regular basis...personally, I think he is secretly hoping the dog will come investigate, therefore giving him a great opportunity to scratch the pup. 

We figure it's only a matter of time until both cats get tired of losing tiny handfuls of hair or having their tails grabbed and crammed into a gummy mouth. Hopefully Brooks is a fast learner and only gets scratched once or twice before he realizes "you look with your eyes and not your hands". Although, if he is anything like his old man, we'll be telling him this for years to come.

As you were. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Busy news day over here...I'd like to think that it's just a random occurrence, but really, I think it's just because I happened to read the news for the first time in a while. The older I get, the more I dislike most people.

It still boggles my mind that people don't believe in science...It's 2017 for F's sake.

I can't say I'm shocked by this story...and I hate the parents and what they stand for. But I really feel for these kids...


Hey companies -

If you're looking for a way not to treat customers, or a way not to end up in the news, look no further than our friends over at United Airlines.

Here is there newest example of stellar customer service.

I have to imagine all the public relations teachers and professors are having a field day with all of this coverage.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Now rich white-collar people can look like they spend their time manually working...for only $425. 

How many times have these same people told their kids, "See, you better go to college or you'll end up working outside and getting dirty like that guy." 

What's our world coming to?

As you were.  

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Helped my main man fix up his rig this past weekend.

By the end of it, we had loosened the engine bolts so we could move the engine to get the old piece out and the new one in. This task reinforced my sediments that those who design engines should also try to work on them. That would change a lot of things.

Cheers to good people, good beer, and an excuse to get dirty.

As you were.

Monday, January 30, 2017


This past weekend marked the end of Colorado's duck season. While it's sad to see it over, it means Spring is getting closer and the days will start to get longer. Both of which make me extremely happy.

During the drive back to civilization after the season's last hunt I thought of all this hunting season reminded me.

Because it's your lucky day, and because I like to make lists and write, you're going to read about my leanings...or, you won't. Either way I'm fine with it.

There are things in this world that are bigger than me
Getting to the blind before daylight allows you to see nature wake up. One minute it's pitch dark, then in an instant the light starts to peak over the horizon. Watching the light wash away the darkness, hearing the birds, frogs, and other animals start to stir, and realizing this has happened every day for millennia is a magical thing. Every time I'm fortunate enough to witness this magic it causes me to gasp. This is my favorite time of the day and holds an almost spiritual feeling. Regardless of your religious views, I feel closer to God during these moments than I ever have sitting in a church.

Sometimes you don't need anything but the necessities
Warm and dry boots, coat, gun, a few decoys, and a place to hunt are all you really need. Sure, there are a lot of things that would make the experience more enjoyable and successful. And, one day I hope to have some of these toys (Don't worry Jamie, no time soon). But they fall into the "nice to have" verses "need to have" bucket. Same with life. I've got a great and healthy family, stellar friends, a good job, and have the ability to smile more than I frown. The important stuff, the things that fall into the "need to have" bucket are covered.

Hard work and preparation pay off, sometimes. 
...And sometimes they don't. There are plenty of days I've done all I could do for a successful hunt - checked the weather and wind, set the decoys in the correct spread, got set up and in the blind pre-dawn - and still left empty handed. On these occasions I can take solace in knowing I tried my best. I'd rather go down swinging than watching the last strike sail across the plate with the bat on my shoulder. My buddy Alvin sums it up perfectly, "It's called hunting and not killing for a reason". I figure as long as I do my best every day, then I have no reason to hang my head...while hunting or in real life.

Nature has a way of working on it's own schedule
Sure, there are things you can do to help the process move a little quicker, but not by much. If the birds aren't flying, no amount of calling will help. Sometimes you have to sit back and let it take its course.

It's great to unplug for a bit
For me, this one of the biggest benefits of heading into the sticks for a few hours. When I hunt by myself and am left alone with my thoughts f my mind drifts and floats like a leaf on a windy day. (The same thing often happens when I run or bike). Some of my biggest ideas for work or the biggest personal break-troughs happen during these moments.

On the other hand, I really enjoy the comrade shared with my hunting buddies. The laughs shared, stories (most likely lies) told, and the way the conversation twists has allowed me to learn things I otherwise wouldn't. This wouldn't be possible if everyone was sitting in the blind, cellphone in hand.

People have different definitions of fun
To some, sitting in freezing temperatures for hours on end sounds fun. Others think flying down a mountain with some sticks or a board attached to your feet sounds like the perfect day. While some would rather curl up on a couch and read. Whatever your definition of fun, it's important to pursue. I once read somewhere, "You don't buy anything with money. Everything is purchased by your time." If that's the case, might as well cash some of it in for something that helps you get back to neutral and relax.

So there you have it. That's what I took away from this duck season.

As you were.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


In case any of my fine readers are curious, there is a HUGE difference between 2:30:00 and 2:30 when selecting a microwave time setting.

One cooks your oatmeal perfectly and one does not. Especially if you were to walk away after setting the time.

Feast your eyes on (what was supposed to be) my breakfast. Bet you've never seen steel cut oatmeal that looks like this.

The positive? Although my wing of the office filled with a bit of smoke, the fire department didn't make an appearance.

(At press time, the Marketing Department still smelled awful)

Watch that timer.
As you were.