The scientists and climatologists are at it again. This time they've added fake data to a map. |
It's a good thing global warming isn't real. You can learn all about this hoax, which many believe was started by the liberal media, here.
If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, the sciences have a long history of throwing their money around to get what they want.
Personally, I believe these nerdy decision makers should take a good look at how major corporations navigate the current system. They do a great job of balancing lobbying and helping the government create policies. How the government allows these corporations and special interest groups to create policies that help as many citizens as possible and not just those with financial interests in the company is simply amazing. Why can't these science groups do the same thing rather than try to scare everyone with fake claims?
So what if ice-caps are melting faster than ever before. Who cares that tropical storms are happening at an increased frequency with more force. Don't be fooled by all these scare tactics made up by the Left.
How great would it be if science, and those wanting to prove that global warming was real, were trying to help Mother Earth and humanity as a whole rather than trying to sling a few more AC units? I bet if we dug deep enough, we'd see that the major appliance companies are the ones bank-rolling these scientists.
And don't get me started on the "data"...who do you think controls all of it. You guessed it. Scientists. Never-mind that it's published and has been for years...that you could look back at documents from the last 100 years and see for yourself. Ever heard of Photoshop?
Why wouldn't academia and nearly all self-respecting scientists cook (see what I did there) the books to support their claims? Can't you see this is one big ploy to control the behaviors and actions of our citizens? I think this is one gigantic conspiracy and a social experiment. Damn scientists.
If you hadn't figured it out by now, I'm kidding.
Hopefully none the people reading this are stupid enough to think it's fake. Sadly though, the older I get the more I realize most of the people I deal with on a daily basis are stupid. Which makes me hate a lot of the people I deal with on a daily basis. But that's a whole different post.
Enjoy the earth while you can...soon it will be too late.
As you were.