Monday, December 12, 2016


I've posted about the boot search. I posted that I found the "perfect" boots. I lied about finding the "perfect" boots. I found a new set of boots - even more perfect than before. My wife bought me these perfect boots for my birthday.

Guess what Monday?!?!?! New boots comin' at ya! BAM.

And, they're breaking in nicely which makes me, and my feet, happy.

As you were.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


A lot has happened since my last post...since most of the people who read my blog know me, this shouldn't be news. But dear readers, I feel bad for not writing. This isn't a long post, I've only got a few minutes until the Little Dude wakes up, but I wanted to let you all know we're alive and doing great.

Here are some pictures to tide you over until the next time I write...and don't you worry, I have a lot to write about.

Just met the dude. He seems cool. In all seriousness, a happy and healthy baby boy. 

Here he is practicing his old man face. It's just a matter of time 'til he's yelling at people to get off his lawn. 

It's hard work going to the Dr. for a routine check-up. A clean bill of health was achieved. 

His first time at a bar and grill. Doubtful it will be his last.  Also, my birthday. 

Not positive, but if I had to guess, he is pooping. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Don't worry folks, I'm just testing some stuff.

As you were.


While I don't think our votes really count (this is a post for another day), I do believe it is vitally important exercise our right to vote.

So, as soon as you're done reading this fine piece, get up and go vote. If nothing else, you'll get yourself a nifty sticker.

As you were.

Monday, October 24, 2016


The scientists and climatologists are at it again. This time they've added fake data to a map.

It's a good thing global warming isn't real. You can learn all about this hoax, which many believe was started by the liberal media, here.

And before all of you nay-sayers tell me that science proves it, that we can look at historical data and prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the world is heating up faster than ever...let me ask you this. How much do you think these scientists paid media outlets for the opportunity to publish this non-sense.

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, the sciences have a long history of throwing their money around to get what they want.

Personally, I believe these nerdy decision makers should take a good look at how major corporations navigate the current system.  They do a great job of  balancing lobbying and helping the government create policies. How the government allows these corporations and special interest groups to create policies that help as many citizens as possible and not just those with financial interests in the company is simply amazing. Why can't these science groups do the same thing rather than try to scare everyone with fake claims?

So what if ice-caps are melting faster than ever before. Who cares that tropical storms are happening at an increased frequency with more force. Don't be fooled by all these scare tactics made up by the Left.

How great would it be if science, and those wanting to prove that global warming was real, were trying to help Mother Earth and humanity as a whole rather than trying to sling a few more AC units? I bet if we dug deep enough, we'd see that the major appliance companies are the ones bank-rolling these scientists.

And don't get me started on the "data"...who do you think controls all of it. You guessed it. Scientists. Never-mind that it's published and has been for years...that you could look back at documents from the last 100 years and see for yourself. Ever heard of Photoshop?

Why wouldn't academia and nearly all self-respecting scientists cook (see what I did there) the books to support their claims? Can't you see this is one big ploy to control the behaviors and actions of our citizens? I think this is one gigantic conspiracy and a social experiment. Damn scientists.

If you hadn't figured it out by now, I'm kidding.

Hopefully none the people reading this are stupid enough to think it's fake. Sadly though, the older I get the more I realize most of the people I deal with on a daily basis are stupid. Which makes me hate a lot of the people I deal with on a daily basis. But that's a whole different post.

Enjoy the earth while you can...soon it will be too late.

As you were.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


To say I had a great time on my elk hunting trip would be an understatement. I'm having trouble putting just how much fun (and how important) this trip was into words. 

What I can put into words is how grateful I am for being provided the opportunity to tag along. It had been a while since I've been on an adventure and I was starting to go stir crazy. 

I was most definitely the outsider of the group. But I was treated with such hospitality and openness the "outsider" feeling quickly faded away. I couldn't have asked for anything more and am hoping to have the opportunity to go on future hunts. Time will tell. 

This trip seemed to provide me with more than fun. There was almost a therapeutic aspect to it. The lack of cell signal (for the most ridge-top had a signal); the beauty and quiet of the woods; and the need to sit very still all allowed my mind to slow down. For those of you know know me (which is nearly everyone reading this), sitting still doesn't come naturally for me (Nor does quieting my mind, for that matter). I really think the two are related. 

The longer I sat still in the woods, the more my mind quieted. This allowed me to get back to neutral and relax. Then a really cool thing happened. On the second morning I was focusing my binoculars and the moment the view became clear, something deep, deep inside of me clicked. I had the realization that I would be a good dad. (Up until this time, I wasn't 100% sure of this despite being told by numerous people). I can't tell you how relieved I was. 

Every time I've done an endurance race, there has been a moment during the training that something clicks and I realize I'm going to finish the event. It might not be pretty, but at that moment, and all moments going forward, I know I'll be crossing the finish line. 

I had been waiting for something like this to present itself in regards to the impending fatherhood. And, honestly, I was getting somewhat nervous that it hadn't happened yet. But sitting in the woods, and having that "click" was one of the best moments I've experienced in a long time. I couldn't stop smiling. As cliche as it is, I felt like a million pounds had been lifted off my shoulders. I honestly think I was sitting up straighter. 

Just as I know the race might not be easy, or always pretty, I know I've got what it takes to get it done. 

So, the fact that we didn't get (or even see) an elk means almost nothing to me. Looking back, this trip was all was all about hanging out with good people, connecting with nature, refilling my positive energy stash, and having the realization that everything is going to be OK. I wouldn't trade that for all the elk in Colorado. 

Now, here are some pictures to make up for all of the words up top. 

As you were. 

Scoping out where to camp

We found a spot

To say we were "roughing it" would be inaccurate.

A heater and some of the most comfortable chairs I've ever sat on...
Or at least they felt that way.

More camp. We were living like kings.

First hunting spot. Only a few minutes from the campsite.

On top of Buffalo Ridge

A mighty hunter (not me).

Near the top of Buffalo Pass

I saw a tree fall over from this spot
Panoramic shot from a spot where I sat in the cold.

Same spot as above. Different angle.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Denver's traffic has gotten out of hand (and yes, I completely realize I'm not a native, so I could be considered part of the problem) and I've got a plan to fix it.

During the peak times, we'll say between 6:30 - 9 AM, and the afternoon rush, 3 - 6 PM, the roads should be reserved for those heading to and from work.*

Examples of those who should stay off the roads during these times:

  • Retired people in Buick's (or any other make and model...but Buick seems to be the crowd favorite)
  • Those rich enough not to have to work
  • Unemployed people (unless you're heading to find a job...and if this is the case, Go get 'em tiger and Good Luck!)
  • Stay at home moms who are trying to get their kids to the library early so all the good books are not picked over
I get it, sometimes it's nice to get a jump on the day. If that's your goal, leave your house early, grab some coffee and a book, and get to your destination before 6. Or, forgo the book and coffee and take a nap in the comfort of your front seat...I've done it more times than I can count and have lived to tell about it. 

Whatever your preferred method of killing time, do it and enjoy the quiet and solitude of an empty parking lot while you wait for whatever it is you're waiting for to open.

*Obviously emergency vehicles are exempt . What am I? An animal?

I'm hoping this makes the November ballot...I'll keep you updated.

As you were.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


A while back I posted that I needed new boots. I'm happy to report I believe I found a pair that will work. I'll be trying them on in the next week or two and will report back on the comfort.

Rather than replace with the exact same style, I'm switching it up a bit. For the past 10+ years I've been wearing wellington style boots. This time, I think I'm going with the ol' lace-up variety.

Feast your eyes on these beauties.

As you were.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


My state is awesome.

Within a few hours you can go from bustling metropolis to peace and quiet. From thousands of people to seven.

A few weeks ago my buddy (who is graciously allowing me to elk hunt with him this fall) recommended that we take a day-trip to the hunting check it out, get a feel for the land, and get out of the city for a bit.

So Saturday morning we met in a parking lot and headed off. As an added bonus, both J and his family joined us. The crisp air, bright sun, breath-taking views made for a great day and was just what I needed. Not only did we scope out the land, but this trip also gave us the opportunity to take a step back and catch our breath.

All summer we've been going, what seems like, a million miles an hour. While this is great and a lot of fun has been had and memories made, it's always nice to slow it down for a bit. The drive there and back took about 7 hours. While this seems like a haul, it gave J and I some much needed alone time where we could chat, laugh, and just be.

To say I'm excited to head back to the mountains is an understatement. I can't wait for the hunt and camping trip. If I leave with a trophy buck or empty handed, I'm sure a great time will be had.

Oh Firebird. You and I have a love/hate relationship. While I'm super happy and fortunate to have you, you are the cause of a lot of stress. 

To bring all thousands of my readers up to speed (get it, car...speed...see what i did there) Lately the 'Bird and I have been playing this new game called, "Am I going to start?"

It's a ton of fun and usually leaves me cussing like a sailor...which means the car won that round.

The last time we played this was at the bottom of my driveway. Guess how that round ended...I had to hook it up to the jeep and pull it back up the drive. Then, I had a buddy come over and help me push it  back into the garage. 

After some internet research and a few trips to the local auto supply store (I am going to become best friends with the employees simply because I'm going to be there a lot) it was determined that it wasn't starting (this time) because the fuel pump was shot. 

According to the googler, this should be an easy fix. And, for the most part it was...well, it's not fixed yet, but the bad fuel pump has been removed. Now I need the new one to be delivered and I can install it. 

But there was some collateral damage. After an hour of struggling, I couldn't get the bolt connecting the fuel line to the pump off. I decided I was tired of losing this battle, so I cut the fuel line. Take that. I am hoping this sets an example for all other stubborn nuts and bolts so I won't have to do this to some other, more expensive part. 

Now, I am the proud new owner of a new fuel line, too! Don't be can get yourself one too from the ol' will take a few clicks and about $17. 

I'll keep you posted on this. 

As you were. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I like what I do for a living. I like the people I work with. I like the mission of the company.

But sometimes I wish I was doing other things than sitting behind a computer. Today, I'd rather be doing any of the following...

  • Working out
  • Riding bikes
  • Taking a nap
  • Hanging out with my wife
  • Hanging out with my buddies
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Sitting in a cool coffee shop
  • Reading a new Jack Reacher book
  • Reading a new Jack Reacher book in a cool coffee shop
  • Helping Seann build cabinets
  • Working on my firebird
  • Cleaning my basement
  • Attending events at Start Up Week
  • Building a cabin in the mountains
  • Going on an adventure
  • Flipping a house
  • Eating a brat at Home Depot, wondering around looking at whatever catches my attention and day dreaming about things I could build
The good thing is that I can do nearly all of these things when the workday draws to an end. So there's that.

As you were. 

Monday, September 12, 2016


This weekend I kept good on a promise I had made to myself.

Maybe it's the approaching (happening at lightning speed, by the way) due date for Little Dude, maybe it's the fact that I've recently been trying to find joy in the small things, or maybe it's that I realize there is more to life than working and checking items off the ol' to-do list. Whatever the cause, I've recently made the conscious decision to spend as much time as possible doing things that bring me joy.

I believe life is too short to spend my time any other way.

I'm happy to report this weekend I did just that. As an added bonus, some of the things that needed to be done also happened to bring me joy. A double win.

  • Hung out with some buddies on Friday evening. As usual, good times were hand and many laughs shared. But this time, we had a built a baby crib by the end of the evening for Little Dude. (At press time, the crib was still standing.)
  • Mountain biked on Saturday with a buddy. The ride was a little rough due to the previous evening, but I managed...and I lost my hang-over somewhere on the trail. The best part of it all was the parking lot hang afterwards.
  • Got some more baby stuff checked off the list by heading to (what I can only assume will become a frequent stop) Babies-R-Us.
  • Picked up my new rifle and was able to sneak away to the range for a bit. Being more of a shotgun guy, sighting in a rifle is new to me. While it's definitely not great, it's a start. I'll be heading to the range again this week to finish the job. There could be worse things.
  • Put the finishing touches on the storage room in our basement. After a week of scrubbing the floor and walls, the paint and sealant have been applied. I'm also happy to report the air has been circulating much better thanks to the exhaust fan I installed last weekend. This room is really shaping up and will help the basement become livable.
  • Spent some awesome quality time with the wifey.
  • Headed to a movie. It was OK. We had to sit in the front row and the theater was hot. But the movie was pretty OK so it worked out just fine. Plus, heading to a movie on a whim most likely won't be happening that frequently after November, so I enjoyed the freedom of it all as well.
  • Saw O.A.R. at Red Rocks. The show, weather, and energy were perfect. So was the opening band, The Hunts. If you haven't heard of them, check 'em. They will be big in no time. 
At the end of it all, I could have worked harder to check a few more things off the ol' to-do list. But, what's the point? There will always be things that "need" to be done...that list will never be 100% complete. But who cares? Life should be more than just checking off the needs...gotta check off some wants, too.

As you were. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016


It's sad that when I checked the news online this morning the first few stories were of violence. A person shot in the head on a Phoenix freeway. A violent attack on the protesters in North Dakota. A school shooting in Texas.

The last one got me.

We send kids to school to learn. It should be a safe place, and sadly, for many, school might be the safest place they go throughout the entire day. Until a shooting happens.

In nearly all of the school shootings (to date) there have been signs. There had been reports that the shooter needed help. That he or she was not 100% mentally stable. Although the facts of this shooting aren't out, I'd be willing to bet there were signs here, too.

The article quotes someone as saying, "This isn't supposed to happen in our community...we're a safe place"...where then, Mr. or Ms Quoter, is something like this supposed to happen? The answer? Nowhere.

I can see this as another opportunity for both the left and the right to get up on their stumps and argue for either stricter gun control, or, on the opposite side, the ability for everyone to conceal and carry. Sadly, I don't think either of those issues matter or would have prevented this from happening. The only thing that will happen is the real issue at hand will be buried by political bullshit..from both sides.

I believe changing the way Americans view mental healthcare is the solution.

Sadly, there is still a taboo around seeking care for your brain. If you broke your arm, no one would think less of you for seeing a doctor and getting a cast. A toothache, you head to the dentist. Makes sense doesn't it? You have an ailment and you go see someone who is trained in fixing it. So why do so many people think that seeing a counselor or therapist makes you broken, weak, or any other derogatory word?

What if seeking mental healthcare was as common as going to a doctor to get cold medicine? Would there be less violence? Probably.

Either way, the current state of things is just sad.

As you were.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


This past weekend I was fortunate enough spend my time doing what I loved. I was able to head into the high country, spend time with people I enjoy, and mountain bike.

This got me thinking...what if you could do what you loved all the time.

Would you love it less because it was so accessible? Probably not. I don't love my wife more when I don't see her for a few days. I enjoy hanging out with her all the time, I don't need to do it infrequently to really enjoy it.

So why don't I do more things that I love more frequently? Because changing the priorities of someone's life is hard. Especially when you're life directly impacts another's.

I suppose it's all part of the life you decide to live. I could sell my truck, downsize houses, give up a lot of material possessions and spend nearly all my time doing what I truly love. The choice is mine. Why is it so hard to let go of the status quo? Because change is scary. And hard.

Congrats to those who've incorporated their passions into their livelihood. I'm not talking about extreme cases like professional athletes, either. I'm talking about the guy who loves woodworking and decides to quit his job and give it a go. Or the person who loves baking and opens a bakery. I have so much respect for those people, the ones who've decided to go all in and create a life where they can do what they love and make a living at it.

I'm not going to quit my job and spend all my time doing only the things that bring me joy. That wouldn't make sense at the moment.

What I am going to do is make it a priority to spend as much of my non-working time doing the things that I love. If that means sneaking in a small ride in after work, working out, doing something cool with my wife, or hanging out with friends then I'm going to do my best to make it happen.

As you were.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


With so much happening lately, I've said, more than once, "Ohhh, I need to blog" and then I don't. So, here is a run-down of what I've been doing with my time.

1. Traveled to Missouri for two baby showers. Thanks for those who attended and hosted.

2. Hosted the in-laws and took in some of Denver's attractions. Always a great time.

3. Been using my old-school calendar and have been toting it nearly everywhere I go. It's not as efficient as the phone calendar, but I like the tangibility of it.

4. Built a duck blind.

5. I have been enjoying the new coffee maker.

6. I have developed a 11-week hard-core fitness and eating plan. The eating is going better than the fitness part due to our busy schedule. But I have still been finding time to get to the gym when I can.

7. Playing bags in a local league. We've only got 2 (I believe) games left.

8. Watering my lawn like crazy. The seed in the front took and the front looks great. The back, not so much.

9. Bought a grip strengthener. I keep it in my truck. I do 15 reps per hand at every stop light on my way to and from work. Working out and commuting. How's that for efficient?

10. Finished a Jack Reacher book by Lee Child. He is a badass and I think Hollywood messed up by casting Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. In the books Reacher is nearly 6'5" and well over 200 lbs. Tom is short and no where near 200+ lbs.

As you were.

Friday, August 12, 2016


If you know me (which, I mean, I'm assuming you do since you're reading this amazing blog) you know that I like coffee. A lot. Nothing fancy, just french-vanilla from Dunkin' Donuts, but I drink it like it's going out of style.

So, you can imagine my disappointment when our coffee maker broke earlier in the week.

Monday started out the way most days do.  Get up, shower, dress, and head downstairs to get the coffee started and play with the dog. I expected to get in some doggie play time then head to work--coffee in hand and a smile on my face.


I know when it's time to stop playing with Blu because our coffee pot makes a weird gurgling sound for a few seconds after the coffee is made. It's simple. hear the sound, quit playing with the dog.

Monday was different. It seemed like I had been playing fetch longer than normal. So I wrapped it up and headed to the kitchen. The pot was empty. Not a huge deal, I just forgot to push the button. A total rookie mistake but nothing that can't be fixed.

Then I realized the light was on. The button had been pushed. There was no coffee in the pot. Panic started to set in. This was turning into a huge deal.

I like to think that I am good at remaining calm during stressful situations, and sometimes I am. But not Monday. I did all I knew. Turned it on and off really fast. Nothing. Unplugged it and plugged it back in. Still nothing. My day was starting to take a turn for the worse.

I stared at the broken machine for minute, cussed it a few times, and left. No coffee in hand. No smile on my face.

Luckily, I had enough time to stop at a gas station and get a cup before making the drive into work. On the plus side, this station has some of the better gas-station coffee in the area.  Also, I hadn't been there in a long time, so it was good to catch up with the employees...and, they have a program that if you buy 9 cups, the 10th is free. So, I've got that going for me.

But don't you worry, you faithful readers, I headed out to the store early this morning and bought a new coffee maker. Now all is right with the world.

As you were.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


I know I haven't written in a while and I don't really have a good reason...busy, I guess.

So, Because I know you've all been checking the blog every day, anxiously looking for updates, I'll fill you in on my happenings...

  • Still growing my hair out. This isn't really a task, I just let nature do its thing.
  • Taking it easy with the working out. I'm an old man and tweaked my back while taking a snooze on my couch. It's about 90% so the workouts will resume shortly. 
  • Drinking lots o'water...My goal has been a gallon a day
  • Peeing a lot (see above)
  • Reverting to a retro (paper) calendar. Take that, hipsters. I know, I know..."But you have a phone with a calendar" but it's not the same for some reason. And for some weird reason (maybe I try to fit too many things in too short of a time-frame) I've been bad at scheduling social stuff this summer. I never used to have this problem, but lately I've been double-booking myself. I'll let you know how this new tactic works.
  • Playing bags every Tuesday night. Some friends, J, and I joined a league. Our record, so far is 7 and 1. It's pretty safe to say we're playoff bound.
Now you're all caught up. 
As you were. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016


It is time for a change.

I'm doing something different with my hair.

The hipster side-part is gone. The Fury-inspired undercut is here.

Plus, I'm pretty sure this new 'duo will make me look exactly like Brad Pitt sans tank. But, I'm working on that. (Realistically, the tank would most likely be easier to come by.)

As you were.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


There is no denying that I'm an odd duck. 

As my overflowing coat closet can attest, I like coats. The odd part, I hate wearing them. In fact, I didn't wear a coat to work once last winter. 

So, here I am looking at coats and wishing that I had these bad boys. As you can tell, these are straight outta the 70s. 

So, if any one out there in web-land wants to buy me a present, feel free. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


I didn't lose 3 lbs last week...but, I today I'm wearing a shirt that I haven't been able to wear for about 13 months. So, take that scale.

As you were.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Recently I wrote about my back yard project. Well, it continues.

Yesterday I received a call from the dumpster company that rented me the roll-off dumpster.

Apparently, the dumpster was only supposed to hold 5 tons. I loaded that puppy up to 10.35 tons.

It's all good. I paid the fine and went along with my day. But it really put the scale of the project into perspective.

As you were.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


This week's goal is to lose 3 lbs.

Lately I've fallen off of the healthy habit wagon. Although I've been losing weight (thanks monstrous yard work project) I've been neglecting the gym and the after work cardio. I'm going to use this week as my get-back-to-being-serious starting point.

You might be thinking, "But you're losing weight, why do you need to get serious?" Mainly because I'm tried of lugging extra weight up a mountain when I ride and adding cardio and weights back into my routine will only help. Plus, it makes me feel good.

To help hold myself accountable, I'm going to write down what I do to achieve this goal. Which means you lucky readers get to be kept in the loop. .

So, I'm off to make a salad for lunch. As you were.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Not the hallway the event occurred in  
The other day I was walking down a hallway at work and I saw a co-worker at the other end of the hall walking toward me. I smiled and waved.

Then continued walking very awkwardly and self-consciously down the hall. When we got close enough to exchange pleasantries we said hello again.

It seems excessive. Two hellos for one encounter?  Should I have held off on the wave and just said hello? Should I have waved and forgone the hello (this seems rude).

Anyway, welcome to a glimpse inside of my head.

Monday, June 27, 2016


What I thought was going to be a 3-day project quickly morphed into a 3+ week project. And I'm not talking about a few hours here-and-there each weekend. I'm talking about 8+ hours of work each Saturday and Sunday for the past few weeks.

Our backyard was a hodge-podge of landscaping styles.  Almost like the previous owner let the sales at the store dictate what would be done to the yard.

Mulch on sale. Perfect! We'll put some here.
Red rocks on sale. Excellent. Let's put 'em next to the mulch.
River rock on sale. Wonderful. I know the perfect spot--next to those red rocks we just put down.

Whatever was being purchased was always done in bulk. I thought the rock/mulch/whatever else border was only going to be about 2 inches thick. I was quickly proven wrong. It ranged from 4-6 inches in most areas, with 6 being the dominant depth.

It took about 2 shovel fulls of rock to realize my timeline was incorrect and I had embarked on one helluva job.

So we ordered a 15 yard roll-off dumpster and a walk-behind skid steer. I thought this would do it. Nope. Filling the dumpster just scratched the surface. And now, I had to return the machine and the dumpster was full.

So I took to the shovel and wheel-barrow. I'm now the proud owner of a huge pile (15ish more yards) of various rock and mulch piled in the corner of my yard. Removing this is part of Phase II, which will happen later...much later.

The project was a truly team effort. Without the help of J and my mom (who came in from IL armed with work clothes, shovels, and experience) this project would be far from done. Just proves that "many hands make light work".

15 yard dumpster filled to the brim

The work-horse

Adding the border. That pile of mulch/rock was my nemesis.
Buying in bulk was the only way to go. 4 of these bad boys were needed.

Had the skid-steer. Might as well take out the flower bed we've always hated.

New arrangement. Pretend you can see 4 more flower pots.

Rocks out. Border finished. Top soil and mulch added. Getting ready to place the sprinklers. 

Gotta leave a walk-way for Blu. Once the grass comes in this will be removed. 

Don't judge the uneven stones. This is temporary. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


It is when Friday Club gets moved to a Tuesday.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


My old pair of boots have had enough. The interior lining is shot, the insoles were removed years ago, and they're now about as comfortable as concrete. And even though "waterproof" is stamped into the leather they keep my feet as dry as flip flops. 

So, after my wife (repeatedly) suggested that I pitch them and get a new pair, I've started thinking about the possibilities of getting some new boots. 

If you know me, you know I do an absurd amount of internet research. Even for things that I have no intention of buying. For example, a few years back my father-in-law was in the market for a new grill. 

I had zero intention of getting a new grill (not to mention no money) but I took to the interwebs. After hours and hours of searching, I found the exact grill that I would purchase, assuming I was in the market. That summer I immersed myself in grills, and by the end of it all, I was a self-proclaimed expert. Wasted time? For sure. Fun? Marginally. Time sucking? 100%. I can't help it, it's how my brain is wired. 

So, back to the boots. I've been researching boots a lot lately. And as with any on-line research, I have a system. 
Step 1: Look for a style and look that I like
Step 2: Dive into the reviews. And I'm not talking about looking at the first couple. Nope, I'm talking about a deep 5 and beyond. 
Step 3. Determine if reviews are trust-worthy.  All 5 and all 1 stars are dismissed. I figure those are either interns for the company slinging the product in question or the flip-side. The interns of competitors trashing the product. 

I find the best reviews are 3-4 star with enough information to know that the person has actually used to product. 

Example of a review I wouldn't believe: 
These boots are warm. 

Example of a review I would believe: 
"They are warm until about 30 degrees if you're working, but if you're sitting still in a deer stand your feet will be cold".  Or, "These are only waterproof if you don't step out of your boat too far from shore. Once water comes in over the top of 'em your feet are going to get soaked."  

So, this got me thinking. Why can't I virtually try on shoes? I can do almost everything else through my computer, why not this? 

I'm calling it the virtual shoe and here's how it would work. I'm imagining a boot similar to those you get when you have a broken foot. It has a USB cord and attaches to your computer. You then select the type of shoe you're looking at. Then, the footbed contours to the exact specifications of the shoe you're looking at. BAM! You're trying on the exact shoe you're looking at on-line.  

How would it know all of these specs? Well, I'm glad you asked. The shoe manufactures would provide this information to the software company that sells the virtual shoe. So, it would be constantly updated with the newest styles. Then, you could try the footwear on in your living room and order with confidence. 

Seriously, can someone please get on this? 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Sometimes Friday Club gets moved to Monday. Sometimes a club member ends up in the ER. (Don't worry momma, this isn't my wrist).

Get better soon.

Monday, June 13, 2016


Happy Monday fellow web-dwellers. Actually, is it?

You don't need to read this blog to know what happened in Orlando and you don't need my two cents on this tragedy. Maybe I'll write about it some other time, but right now, I'm tired of thinking about it.

So, with that, I'm going to bore you with a list about what I did this weekend. Not because I think what I did is that important or even holds a flame to what happened, but because sometimes you need to think about the trivial for a let your brain take a breather.

  • Anniversary dinner (5 years, WAHOO!!)
  • Yard work
  • Mountain biking
  • Hammock shopping
  • Birkenstock shopping
  • Movie watching (non-documentary)
  • Two documentaries
  • Laundry
  • Birthday party for a neighborhood bar
  • Put in some sprinklers

There you have it. 48 hours in 10 bullet points. 

As you were. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


It's not often I look forward to driving back to Illinois. Sure, I don't mind going back, but I prefer to fly. When flying isn't an option, the drive is typically dreaded.

This dread of driving has nothing to do with the people, or events, we're traveling to see.  It has all to do with the geography. Eastern Colorado and western Kansas are ugly, the car seems to travel for hours and never move...leaving you in a void and ugly wasteland that goes on forever. Worst of all, the route cuts through some of the most tornado-prone areas of America.

For most, this last part would be a blip on the radar. Something you think about only when you see the funnel cloud on the horizon. But for me, this might as well be a death sentence. Tornadoes are one of 3 things I'm terrified of (clowns and snakes make up the other part of the list. And, on a side-note, I saw 3 snakes while back in Missouri..thank God I didn't see a clown or my system would have shut down.)

You might be asking, "Since you couldn't fly and thanks to the weather forecast, knew you had a better than average chance of running into some serious storms, was the trip necessary?"

Well, yes. My mom was retiring and we where having a party for her. And when you have a mom as awesome as mine you make the trip, regardless of the number of fears you have to face.  So, we did.

Don't get me wrong, it took some time to get my head wrapped around this drive. But in the end, I was looking forward to getting started and on the road because I knew what awaited in Illinois.

We left Denver at 2:45 a.m. and in just under 12 hours we made it to St. Louis. This was our stop for the night and worked out perfect as it allowed me to see my in-laws. It was great to see them and, as is the case more times than not, many laughs were shared over good food and a few brews.

The next morning we headed to L-town and got ready for the party. It went off without a hitch. This is where I need to give a huge shout-out to my sister and brother-in-law, aunts, uncles, friends that seem like family, and my mom's co-workers. Everyone pulled together and we were able to have a great party. Without those mentioned, the party would have been really lame and might not have happened at all.

I'm also happy to report the party was kept a complete surprise. So much so, I was nearly certain my mom was going to drop my sister's baby and faint when we yelled surprise. She didn't do either, which is good, but was totally blown away.

The party was a huge hit. I got to catch up with people I haven't seen forever both at the party and thanks to a BBQ my buddy's hosted on the following day. I'm very lucky to have friends willing to take the time to come out...but that's a whole other post.  Best of all, my mom was happy.

When it was all said and done, we had stopped at 7 gas stations, listened to the entire second season of the Serial podcast, saw snakes, saw zero tornadoes and clowns, and drove nearly 2,000 miles.

What a weekend.