Thursday, June 12, 2014


Thanks to a kind and generous co-worker, yours truly has a new set of irons.  Guess this means that I'm going to have to work a round of golf into my schedule this weekend...

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Thanks to the in-laws, and the care package they sent, I started my day out with a few cups of French Vanilla coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. 

Sometimes it's all about small victories.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


This past weekend was the first time I actually looked like a road biker.  Up until Saturday, I had been wearing mesh shorts, a backwards Cardinals hat, a cycling jersey, and until very recently, running shoes.  Basically, I looked like a guy that didn't really belong on a road bike.

But no more!  Saturday, I donned cycling spandex shorts, a bike helmet*, a cycling jersey, and biking shoes.  I looked legit.  And, who would have thought the spandex shorts would be so comfortable to ride in.  It is a good thing they're so functional (with the padding) and comfy, because they look ridiculous.

*While out riding the other day I saw a guy fall and hit his head on the pavement.  He was going so fast and the impact was so great that his helmet broke.  But, he was able to walk and talk and had no blood pouring from his head (his hands and knees were a different story...nothing awful, just some road rash).  This sight, combined with the fact that I'm still new to the whole clipless pedal game, and the fact that the road bike is somewhat squirrelly, and I ride by myself far from home, I thought I should trade in my ball cap for a helmet.  Up until now, I really didn't think helmets would help you in a crash...I can see that I was wrong.