Monday, December 19, 2011


Yeah, you saw that correctly.  This hear (get it) is an original Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon album straight from the 70s.

I was at Big Ron's the other day to celebrate Christmas and boy howdy, he was in the giving mood.  Not only did he give me some awesome presents, I mentioned that I'd like to borrow his turn table and BAM, it was in my hands.  Thinking I might as well press my luck and ask to borrow an album or two, because let's face it, with no records a turn table is just a rotating coaster.  What do ya know? BAM, my hands were full of classics. Floyd, The Doors, Beatles (for a moment, I thought better and put those back, no reason to be greedy or rude), and Joe Walsh.  I was as giddy as a fat man at an all you can eat buffet.  The whole trip home I planned what order I would play the vinyl and imagined how good they'd sound.  Once the needle made contact and the music started to play, I felt like I was in the middle of the much so when I realized I wasn't wearing bell bottoms I was surprised.  Although this wasn't a Christmas present it was most definitely given with the same joy, warmth, and enthusiasm one would give a Christmas present. 

Thanks dad.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


recalled. But not before I got my mitts on one. I bet forbidden coke tastes the best

Friday, December 9, 2011


Well I can't say I'm suprised, deep down I knew this day was going to come.  They even told me when it was happening so I could prepare myself...yet I couldn't quite believe it.  I wanted to think the announcement to close up shop was some sort of twisted joke, that at the last minute the announcement would be rebuked and more fun could be had.   

That is exactly what DID NOT happen.  The boys over at really did it.  They really closed.  When I was watching the final moments, it was as if I was watching a movie where the hero was dying a heroic death after saving the princess or the world or (insert any other cliche' here).  I can't speak for everyone, but I was truly saddened. 

Again, all I can say is thanks for the memories.  Thanks for not paying attention to conventional wisdom or "common sense" and agreeing to be pelted by paint balls for hours on end. I enjoyed every minute of it.

May your bruises heal quickly so you can start working on your next awesomely weird ideas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


By the lack of recent postings, you may have assumed something was awry.  I’m sure you’re all more than sick of hearing about my thesis.  Hell; I’m tired of complaining about it.  Lucky for you I’m not going to even mention it, or the fact that it is so, so very close to being finished.  Nope…nary a word about it in this post.

Chalk this recent lack of postings up to “I forgot”.  You know, they say the memory is the first thing to go, annnnd I did turn 30 this weekend.  So, put 2 and 2 together and what do you get?  Well, you get 4 obviously.  And math isn’t going to fix the fact that I haven’t posted for over a week now will it?  Nope. Sure won’t. 

Since I’m 30 and all, I guess I must be getting wiser.  This means my posts will become super smart and witty from now on…so be ready.  Better go ahead and get yourself a gently worn dictionary...just a hint.  Remember, buy local. 

In all seriousness, thanks to everyone who made my birthday awesome.