Wednesday, September 28, 2011


As the topic of expectations was being chatted about around the ol' water cooler the other day I heard some interesting schools of thought...

On one side you've got the notion that having high expectations is best.  Some would argue that greatness can only occur by having such lofty expectations.  What about the flip side?  What about the frustration and anger and disappointment you might feel when these almost unattainable expectations aren't met?  Is it worth it?

The other side of the coin houses low expectations.  If you have lowered your expectations you reduce the frustration/anger/disappointment factor because you don't expect much anyway.  There isn't really all that much to get upset about.  Almost like any positive is just icing on the cake.

Part of me wants to lower my expectations...but I just can't seem to do it.  I'm too much the optimist...expecting the best out of myself and others.  Sure, I get frustrated and stressed on a regular basis but I just can't seem to keep the expectations at a lowered yet reasonable level.

So, I've decided for the month of October I'm going to lower my expectations, of both myself and others.  It is kinda odd to make a goal of like's almost like saying, "I'm going to see if I can NOT clean my house for a month".  Seems easy enough but time will tell. 

Monday, September 26, 2011


This weekend was chalk full of firsts.  I’m sure you can’t wait to hear what they are and are bummed that I haven’t told you yet.   Well, you just keep readin’ this here post and you’ll have your answers soon enough.
·         First day of fall
·         I saw a wedding dj put on an Elvis wig and take off his pants (see pictures in the post below)
·         First time of the season I saw a leaf that was another color other than green
·         I saw my breath for the first time Saturday morning
·         First fire pit (a direct result of the bullet directly above this one)
·         J and I took BluDog to the boathouse patio in Forest park
·         We got the grand tour of our neighbors (almost) completely remodeled house.  Very nice by the way
There you have it, a weekend of firsts. 

Friday, September 23, 2011


Just when yours truly thought he had seen a lot the bar was raised. At a wedding and the sh donned a bad Elvis wig and procedeed to give a random 60something woman he plucked from the audiene a lap dance. He stripped down to his boxers.

Pictures to follow. 

PS-im happy to report the wedding was not for my friends or family.


By now we're all aware of the new changes made by our pals over at Facebook.  According to this article some more mind blowing changes are about to happen.  I guess I should comment that I have yet to make the Facebook stop this morning, which might seem odd since I'm blogging about it...I guess that means you may be lucky enough to read a follow-up post. 

All these changes make me think, do we really know what we want.  It seems that after every upgrade/change people grumble about it until they have gone through the learning curve.  Once that happens, everyone wonders how they survived before the new format was rolled out. 

This reminds me of a quote by Henry Ford, "If I asked people what they wanted they would have said a faster horse".  Is it true we can not decide what we really want if we don't know the possibilities?  You let that thought bounce around your noggin on this foggy Friday.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The best random comment of the day made by a co-worker.  Thank you for the chuckle MF.
Try to beat this one, I dare you.

"Eww...that smells like my dad's hands"


Today at work someone mentioned they looked like they were born in Poland. A co-worker corrected this person and said she thought she looked like she was born in Ireland. 

Then the conversation turned to said it looks like I was born in Antarctica (with a hat and gloves on) then quickly added that I could have been born in Texas.  I understand the Texas comment because I am wearing a pearl snapped shirt but Antarctica...really?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



For one reason or another I took about 2 weeks off from running.  Well, not exactly for one reason or another...I was basically lazy and then scared.  It was a slippery slope, I took a few days off and thought the first time I ran would be tough, so I just kept pushing it off and the more I put it off the more I dreaded that first run.  So that is how you take two weeks off in the middle of a training program.  Not a wise move when you have a marathon in about 6 weeks.

I got back on the horse last night.  I'm happy to report I had a great close to cheetah like as I can get.  True, it was only a 5-miler, but I can't remember the last time 5 floated by so effortlessly.  It was almost as if I had little motors in my legs.  Maybe it was not hellish weather.  Maybe it was my legs were super fresh.  Whatever the reason I can only hope today's run is as perfect. 


This is sad that I'm happy about this.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I think coffee may be my new comfort food.


If you’re like most people your work day starts off the same way.  Sitting in front of your computer groggy and blurry eyed and reassuring yourself you can get through the day…after all, you have your coffee, and that’s a great thing.  You’re probably postponing that TPS report for another four minutes while you finish your pre-work internet surfing.  I mean, it would be rude to have all those sports teams play games all weekend long and then not care enough to check the scores—or have people take the time to write words and then post them for all to see and not read them.  Well you’re in luck Mr. or Ms. Internet surfer, I’ve got a decently long post which can push back that pesky report for another 30 seconds.

Friday felt like a true fall day.  Did the whole work things, blah blah blah.  In the evening we made the trip to an outlying suburb and watched my cousin play football.  His team won = awesome! Sitting in the rain = not awesome.  The fact he hurt his foot = super not awesome.

Saturday we hit the house with a 1-2 punch.  The entire house was cleaned.  Things were dusted and vacuumed, things were washed and scrubbed and things were organized and put away in proper places.  The whole house smelled clean and fresh—the smell of a job well done.  We were able to bask in the cleanliness for about an hour before the dog forgot the kitchen floor is not the same as grass outside.  I guess he got confused because both are green—too bad they’re not one in the same. 

Sunday was a mixture of happy and frustrated.  Happy the Packers won.  Frustrated at the initial bar selection.  Happy the dog didn’t pee in the house.  Frustrated he reverted to nipping ankles.  Happy to have groceries for the week.  Frustrated to be in Wal-Mart at 7:30 p.m.  So that was that. 

Overall an excellent weekend.  Oh, I’ve decided that it was a bit silly for me to think September would be the Month of Me (not is a selfish way but in a “get all my ducks in a row” kinda way).  So I’ve changed it up a bit…this is going to be the Week of Me.  Hopefully the smaller timeline will make it more doable.   

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Just the other day I was reading an article about lifting weights and gaining muscle strength and size.  This article (I read it the ol' fashioned way, in an actual magazine...when I find it online I'll post it) seems to be saying that a standard weight lifting strategy may not be as good as everyone once thought. 

If you read the article, then you would know the tactic I'm talking about is trying to squeeze out 3 sets of 10.  If the right weights are used, this seems like a good workout.  Apparently people focus too much on the reps and sacrifice adding weight in order to achieve the 10 count.

Well, for some reason, this article struck a cord with me and I have changed my lifting strategy.  (Note: I was not doing the ol' 3x10 anyway, but it made me think of what I was doing).  Since Monday I've started doing 4 or 5 exercises for one muscle group.  As the article recommends, I am focusing on finding the weight I can do 3-5 times as fast as possible with good form.  Let me tell you this, I'm sore.  Really, really, it hurts to watch TV sore.  I love it.  Another added bonus, I've also noticed my heart-rate has dramatically increased practically the whole time that I'm lifting. 

I'm going to give it a shot for the next 7 weeks.  I'll report back every once and a while.  When the first shirt has it's sleeves ripped because of my bigger and better arms, you'll be the first to know.


Today's weather that is.  If you weren't outside doing something, anything, to take advantage of this fine weather, well then, you sir, are an idiot.  You're probably like, oh yeah smart guy, what did you do that was so un-idiot...You sit right there and I'll tell ya a tale of this un-idiot and how his day was spent. 

I was so excited to start my day and take advantage of this weather that I decided my pup couldn't wait until the normal wake up time of 5 o'clock to get his first taste of the weather...yup, thought 3 in the morning was a much better time.  Let me tell ya, I was right. Slight breeze, crisp air, quiet as a church.  I didn't want to get all of my outside time at once, so after a few minutes I thought it best for us both to go back to bed for a few hours...just to let Mr. Sun catch up to us.

After work BluDog and I spent about 72 minutes (a rough estimate) outside.  We had a nice lil game of fetch (or as close as you can get to fetch with a 14 week old puppy), practiced our manners and tricks, and just chilled out by sitting in the sun.  I've waited an eternity to be able to be able to feel the sun without sweating, well, without sweating a lot. 

Next on the agenda was to grill.  In all fairness, BluDog isn't much of a griller..I think it's the fact he lacks opposable thumbs.  Whatever.  He tried his best, and really that's all you ask for. 

And that brings us to the present.  Maybe I'll go for a run in a little bit, maybe I'll sit on the porch.  Maybe I'll have a small firepit...just so I can say I had one on a week night. 

Hope your outside time was as good as mine.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


For about  4 or 5 days after a hair cut my hair does its own thing regardless of how I try to style it.  Don't get me wrong, I love my haircuts and have been going to the same hair-cutter (yup, official term) for almost 3 years.  I just think its funny my hair has a mind of its own.

I'm not saying I look freakish or have crazy hair, and I'm not saying my hair is the best.  It is your basic guys short hair there isn't really much to do to "style" it...definitely no Jersey Shore blowout or 30 minutes of prep time.  I basically slap some wax on it and out the door I done and hands washed and dried in about 17 seconds.

So back to the hair who thinks for itself...well, I guess I should first start by saying I have a minor widow's peak.  You'd never know it was minor though if you saw me a few days after a new cut.  The hair at the bow (that's a boat term) of the peak is too short to stand straight up while the hair at the base (I have no idea of what you call this portion of my hair)of the peak is long enough to stand up with the wax.  What does this give me?  A hair style that would make Eddie Munster jealous.

I have no doubt this look could be alleviated if I took more than the stated 17 seconds to "style" my hair...after I'm done getting it cut, for the first few hours anyway, my hair looks like it should be in GQ.

Monday, September 12, 2011


This is a spot a local news station did on my cousin's football team.
Keep up the good work lil' man.

Click Here to watch video.


Turns out, when the powers that be are deciding the odds on a specific horse, they have a pretty good idea of what they're talking about.  So my plan of betting on the 20-1 long-shot pony, upsetting the system, and then basking in my winnings for the rest of the night didn't play out like I'd thought it would.  Thinking my first lost was a fluke, I used the same logic for about 6 more races.  The first time was not a fluke.

Other weekend events consisted of hanging out with long lost buddies, visiting a hospital, reaffirming all-you-can-eat-buffets are not the wisest choice, watching football, and fighting a continuous battle with BluDog about getting on the couch.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Or you might end up in the hospital. Get well soon buddy.

Friday, September 9, 2011


on the road...good things are about to happen.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The weather has finally decided to not suck. 

Take advantage of the mid-70 degree weather this upcoming week is promising.

Summer, you were a good time and the catalyst for many great memories but your 100 degree attitude was getting a little old. 

See you next year good friend.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Some people get upset with the words "global warming" and deny it to the bitter end...but say we are going through a "climate change" that is resulting in warmer weather globally and the same people who argue global warming will quickly agree.  Believe what you want, I really don't care, but this article is interesting.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Between the funny talkers who is wiser...Mr. Miyagi or Yoda?


Complete a 13 mile run before my 3 day weekend can begin. Time to kick back and relax.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


A co-worker had these words of wisdom for me today...

"You can't be a winner everyday...but you can be a loser everyday."

So remember this quote when you're just going through the motions today.